Chapter 17: You can't buy me

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♡y/n pov♡

As much as I want to talk to the Bakusquad, Kaminari is over there so I decided to hang out with Brendan and his friends

♡Kaminari's pov♡

She's really mad at me isn't she? She's not even talking to the Bakusquad is it because I'm always with them?

♡y/n's pov♡

I left the classroom late since All Might wanted to talk about my quirk and asked me why I don't use it. I headed to lunch and noticed that Kaminari wasn't at the Bakusquad table...

He's not there and it's the middle of lunch... maybe he's not gonna show up there

I walked towards the table and took a seat

"Oh my god (y/n), I thought you were mad at us since you haven't talked to us"

"Aw guys you didn't do anything wrong I promise. I just wanted to... spend some time with my brother"

"You made up? Does that mean he's okay with you dating Kami"

"What about me?" Kaminari approached the table holding a strawberry milk

I guess he just left to get the milk...

As he started to sit down I got up and without an explanation, I left

♡Kaminari's pov♡

"do you know what's up with y/n? She said she's not mad at us and then just gets up and leaves" Mina asks as she tilted her head to the side

"I'm not sure... Kami do you know anything about it?" Sero asked drawing all the attention towards me

"I might have an idea..."

♡an explanation later♡

"You did WHAT?!" Mina yelled ready to beat the shit out of me... Bakugou style

"It was an accident"

"An accident?! A FUCKING ACCIDENT!! Do you know how much she likes you? This must've destroyed her. I think that not talking to you is just the tip of the iceberg. y/n has a LOT of emotions that she doesn't talk about much. I bet you that she hasn't slept in days and ended up crying all night! I understand why she wouldnt tell us but you?! You don't tell us? Do you not want to fix this issue? Do you expect y/n to just cool down and start to hang out with us again but that's not how she is. If you don't do anything about it, she's going to think that you don't care enough and don't mind not having her in your life. You have to do something. I would help you come up with something but this is on you, y/n is mad at YOU."

"Yeah... but I don't know what to do"

"Like I said, figure it out"

♡that night♡

I walked over to y/n's dorm with three of her favorite things: chocolate, iced coffee, and cookies and cream ice cream. That's when I heard her singing again... 

I cant face her but I want to know that I care... No... she's worth it. She's always worth it

I knocked on the door with no confidence at all whatsoever. Once she saw my face she immediately attempted to close the door but I stuck my foot in front of it so it wont close all the way. 

"Listen Angel"

"don't call me that"

"Okay y/n"

"Or that"

"Okay l/n, listen, I feel beyond bad. Please forgive me. I don't know how much longer I can take you being mad at me... oh! I brought you three of your favorite things"

"Thanks but no thanks" she took the items. "It's gonna take more than this for me to forgive you. You can't buy me or bribe me" she slammed the door closed and left me standing there
At least she talked to me right?

Can't help falling in love (D. Kaminari x reader)Where stories live. Discover now