Chapter 1: What are you listening to?

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♡y/n pov♡

"Hey y/n get your lazy ass up or else we're gonna be late for school!" Brendan yelled as he pulled off my covers causing me to roll into a ball.
"5 more minutes!" I groaned in response
"you said that 10 minutes ago"
"If you don't get up now, then I'll pour out the iced coffee that mum left you this morning" I sat up and gasped.
"WAIT! HOLD ON! Mum was here and you didn't wake me up?!"
"she told me not too so do you wanna save your beloved iced coffee or..."
"you wouldn't"
"Watch me" he ran out of my room towards the kitchen. I ran after him and jumped on his back
"Brendan don't you DARE-"
"I wasn't going to... I just needed you up. Also, mum was never here."
"You're actually a fucking asshole! We haven't seen mum in over a year!" I went back to my room and threw on my uniform and white knee high socks. Put my hair into two dutch braids, Put on my makeup and ran out and met Brendan who was waiting for me at the door.
"can you put on your tie? It's the first day and we want to give off good impressions" he told me as I threw my backpack over my shoulder"I don't like the tie, it's constantly choking me"
"You have to wear your tie"
"No, it's annoying. Fucking deal with it!
"Stop acting like a baby and just put on the fucking tie"
"No and you can't make me"


My brother and I just moved here from England a couple weeks ago. Although it's already the middle of the year, we were accepted into UA based on how both our parents are pro heroes and how my brother and I are the first to become pro heroes at the age of 13. Being a hero distracted the both of us from how it was very rare for us to see our parents.


Peering into our new classroom I was nervous since when I still lived in England, I was never great at making friends due to my introverted personality and some other things but we're not going to go there. Brendan on the other hand, was Mr. Popularity.
"Are we going in or are we just gonna stand here the entire day?" he said as he playfully punched my arm. I walked into the room with Brendan and held his arm close to my body.
"go get a life my jewel" He said as he pried me off his arm.
"But, I don't know how to approach or talk to people!"
"Fine... I'll give you a PUSH" He suddenly pushed me into a group of girls.
"Fuck you you fucking little bitch!" I yelled at him, flipping him off, then turned to see all the girls had their eyes on me "Oh... um... hi" I began to twirl my hair as my face began to burn and I smiled embarrassed at what they just witnessed. They all just laughed.
"Aw look at you and your cute little accent! Is that your boyfriend?!" A pink skinned girl asked me. I looked at her in disgust
"Brendan? Um. Ew. That's disgusting!" all the girls now had confused looks on their faces
"What's wrong with him? He seems like a good guy" a round faced girl with rosey cheeks asked me.
"Oh nothing. He's a great guy and all, but he's my twin brother and us dating would be like... twincest... Is that what you'd call it?"
"Like incest but twincest? Does that sound right? Oh, I'm l/n y/n but my friends call me n/n. At least they would if I had any."
(I love me a good Disney reference)

♡10 minutes later♡

"Denki? What are you staring at?" I turned my head to the side and noticed the redhead sitting next to my brother talking to a blonde boy with what looked like a black lightning bolt in his hair. "Oh... it's the new girl isn't it?"
(A/n-If you wanna know (y/n) sits in between Denki and Jiro and Brendan sits in between Kiri and Tsu)
It took me a moment to process that the one that he was staring at was me. I quickly looked away and focused back on my notes.

♡after class♡

I was at my desk listening to my favorite song at the moment when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Huh?" I said as I turned around to see the blondie that was looking at me earlier
"Um... hey... What are you listening to?" The boy asked me
"Can't help falling in love... the Haley Reinhart cover. I usually listen to more upbeat music but I just really love this song"
"Mind if I listen?"
"Uh, yeah, sure" I smiled and handed him my other airpod
"It's slow"
"Yeah... I know. But I'm a total romantic... I'm l/n y/n and that's my brother Brendan over there" I pointed over to my brother who was talking to a heterochromatic boy.
"Cool, I'm-"
I could tell that Brendan noticed us talking when a pencil suddenly went flying through the air and hit the blonde boy in the back of the head interrupting his sentence.
He can't help it can he... I thought doing everything I could to hold in my laughter
"Oh sorry... My quirk sometimes has a mind of its own. At least a chair didn't hit you in the head" Brendan said as I continued to cover my mouth attempting not to draw attention to me struggling to keep my laughter in. I could clearly tell that it wasn't an accident through a few things. Brendan is really good at controlling his quirk and even though his emotions do control it sometimes, he's trained himself very well to be patient and in touch with his emotions and not let it affect him too much. After all, we are both professional hero's. However, on the very rare occasion when his emotions do get the best of him, it isn't small objects like pencils, it would be a chair or even a table. I also heard a growl coming from him.

Can't help falling in love (D. Kaminari x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora