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Life is simple, I'm living a regular college kid's life. I try to wake up before 9am to get to lectures and other stuff, I go out, I party, I have friends, I eat and I sleep. I wonder and I love. I live optimistically because so much of my life has been a blurred sense of pain and recently I've never felt fuller, more released. I feel like I'm finally living after years of not wanting to. With this, comes a higher confidence, I recently have been putting myself out their lore often, trying to meet new people and find the one for me.

Last night I got up at around 10am because I didn't have any lectures that day but I did have a seminar that was rather interesting at 11am so I thought I'd get up, grab myself a coffee, attend and then research more for my paper. At the coffeehouse on the edge of campus, I was standing 2nd in line when I noticed a man walk in with a young woman by his side. Judging by her ID, and the lack of his, the woman was attending the university, and he was not. However, he was gorgeous. I mean gorgeous. He had fluffy brown hair that had been slightly scuffed up by the warm gentle breeze outside this morning. He wore long baggy mute blue jeans that he tucked an adorable, soft sweater into. He has pulled it out slightly so that it sagged over the rim of his jeans. He had a white collar over the sweater which had about 3 chains around it. It was difficult to tell from afar but one seemed to have a charm on the end in the shape of a crescent moon. He wore lensless, black, rectangular glasses that perched on his small freckle-infested nose. He had large, inviting, golden-brown eyes that pierced any gaze with warmth. He could be no less than 6'1".

Before he caught me staring, I ordered my coffee and briskly left, snapping back to reality, feeing the wind in my hair and taking a deep breath. The cool touch of the air under the blue sky pinched against my face and I suddenly felt so immersed in the realness of my surroundings. My phone buzzes.

👻      🤺Sammy💜 10:29am
"You coming to Level 1 tonight? Supposedly they over-stocked for some big Level 2 event and there's now a huge number of drinks for a seriously small price 🤪‼️"

I write back,

"Definitely, need a pick-me-up?"

"Yes plsssss, bringing Lauren and Cyriella if that's okkkk"

"Ofc 🔪😈"

Looks like we have plans for tonight. I haven't been out in a while and with the cheep drinks... needless to say I'm excited.

Oh. What's Level 1? Yea, right. So um, there's this club just a few streets south of campus which is a hotspot for university students in our area, 1. Because of its facility. (It's fucking huge) and 2. Because it is all-inclusive. I've met many guys there before, but currently, if it weren't already evident, I am single. Level 2 is the second floor of the club, there is a small balcony that looks over Level 1 from Level 2 so those from downstairs can get the tiniest sneak peak, but other than that, it is the most secluded, VIP and private part of any invitational establishment I have ever seen. No one questions it however because Level 1 is so perfect for us, none of us care to go beyond. I do wonder who gets invited sometimes.

8pm is around the corner and I'm finishing getting dressed. I'm the only one in the friend group with a car so I hop in and drive my way to over to Lauren and Cyriella and pick them up. Lauren is a tall, half-Swedish blonde girl who is the brains of the squad, she knows literally everything it's scary. Cyriella is a dark-skinned, also tall french girl who is definitely the laughs of the squad, I've never met anyone funnier, deadass. As we are driving to Sammy's we converse about the goings-on in Level 2, Cyriella says word on the street is that some famous guy that used to go to the University is returning and managed to book all of level 2 for a reunion.

"Oh I think I know who you're talking about, his sister goes here right?"

"Carly Benson?" Lauren exclaims,

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