LED Lights

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I like watching him. It's endearing seeing someone so fixated on something they're passionate about; or I'm just overthinking how my boyfriend feels about his video games lol. Nevertheless, the best nights are those where I sit in endless blankets at the head of his double bed watching him push the buttons on his controller so quick and effortlessly. Just the way he fiddles with the little mic thing on his headset, and when he does a little fist in the air when he wins or smth. The way his hair glistens in the soft yet vibrant colourful phantom lighting of his LED lights taped around his ceiling which create a supple, warm glow that is violently interrupted by his monitor screen, brightly shining on his face. It is moments like these that make me forget about the world, about my stresses, about where I am and who I am and how he is the focus of my life, the dead centre.

His dark brown, silky soft hair is always positioned nicely for his slightly round face shape, it's adorable as fuck. His face was home to a pair of sapphire blue eyes that always rung with beauty, accentuated by his not-too-thin yet not-too-bushy black eyebrows. My favourite part of his face, the freckles. These enchanting little brown dots, seemly placed with the intention of creating the cutest human on our planet, sit elegantly above his soft medium-sized lips that had never a dry flake in sight. His moderately pointy chin holds a most gorgeous, rather quaint jaw that fits perfectly in my hands along with his chubby yet prominent cheekbones.

Moving further down I'm afraid I cannot mention his neck as we may be here forever. Absolutely everything about it is perfect, it's length, thickness, softness and sturdiness is impossible to put into words. Lemme just say it is rather appetising ;) there is nothing more loving and sensual between the two of us than prolonged gentle kisses upon his neck. However, don't even get me started on his body, for a gaymer he is surprisingly quite buff but still fragile and sweet-looking; the type to be able to protect you but also curl up into a ball and cuddle you; the type to have visual muscle definition but also appear wholesome. Perfection I tell you.

I break out of my trance of staring at him when I notice him take off his headset and the beaming light of his monitor switches off. My eyes adjust to light difference and I see him walking over to me, gently lit by the blue-purple LEDs. He's wearing grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. He halts next to his bedside-table and grabs the hem of his hoodie, crossing his arms and pulling it over his head. A small portion of the black shirt he was wearing beneath lifts up to reveal 3-4 of his luscious abs that bulged out especially beneath the LEDs' lighting. This quick flash almost put me in a trance again until he pushed his shirt back down, such a tease :P.

He dismissively drops his hoodie on the floor at the left side of the bed and pulls one knee onto the bed and begins to crawl over to me. He made his way and simply laid on his side next to me, facing me. I scooted down from my sitting position so I too, was laying on my side staring directly into his dusk-blue eyes. Not a single word had been spoken. The room fell silent. I could hear his breaths and soon feel them gently waft against my nose, dissipating along the rest of my face. He brought his hand up to my cheek and started caressing it with his thumb. He lightly pulled my face in and leant in himself and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, following that up by running his fingers through my hair and pushing it out my face.

"I like it when I can see all of you" he uttered quietly, delicately. He had me in a complete haze, a transcendental stupor. He is everything, I love him.

He turned so he was laying the other way, facing away from me, and began to back up and lower himself into me. Responsively I wrapped my left arm around him, pulling him close to my chest, hugging him, holding him. I brought my right arm above and began to play with his hair and gently stroke the side of his face. Every now and then he would lean his head back, requesting I place a soft kiss on his forehead or his lips whenever he pouted.

I think it is important we remember how much our tough protector boyfriends need as much care, attention, touch and affection that we do. I truly could go on for millennia about the countless perfect things about him but candidly the most gratifying aspect of our relationship is how 2-sided it is. Our effort and love we give each other is practically mirrored. I have always got him, and I know damn well from experience mfs he has always got me.

After a few minutes he let out a rather annoyed groan, rolled over to face me, gave an exaggerated pout and then buried his face in my chest.

"Everything alright" I asked through giggles. He responded with a 'hmph' and put his right leg over both of mine and then his right arm over my upper body and essentially held onto me like a backpack. He is a lot stronger than me and thus quite a bit heavier but I didn't say anything, instead I rubbed my hand up and down his back going underneath his shirt every now and then. He lifted both his arms up and wrapped them around the back of my neck and slowly pulled himself closer to my face. There was a heavy pause in which we spent another moment staring longingly into each other's eyes. Soon enough his eyes darted to my lips but I beat him to it and slammed my lips against his. Instantly we found our rhythm and our whole bodies adapted. He ran his fingers through my hair and held my face whilst I continued to hold him in to my chest. Out of nowhere I decided to have a little fun with it and try to flip him so he is lying down and I'm on top of him since I'm much lighter but I couldn't quite pull hard enough he was so much stronger. He helped me and flipped us both round.

I gently and jokingly provocatively tugged at the hem of his shirt as a goofy indicator for him to take it off because he knows just how much I legit almost die whenever I get to see any part of his body. Initially he teases me and quickly lifts up his shirt for a split second before pulling it back down making me genuinely throw my head back and whine. He laughs. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Please" I said with the cutest and most convincing face I could pull and out of no where he yanked my face directly to his and shared with me one of the most intense kisses I've ever experienced. When he pulled away I almost froze in time, trying to recover from the rush of euphoria. It wasn't over yet however as he finally sat up slightly and pulled off his shirt in one quick swipe. I almost squealed like a schoolgirl. His body was so nicely defined and muscly yet so soft and his chest muscles were like pillows. I hastily dropped on top of him and nuzzled my face all over is abs in a slightly joking but still genuine manner. He giggled which was a trigger for me to look directly up at his face since he has a smile as enchanting as that of Medusa's stare. His teeth are no far from utter perfection, I mean like Shawn Mendes levels.

He put his hands beneath my armpits and dragged me up his body so would I eventually fall into a straddle over his waist. He gave me a look I am unsure how to describe yet it was one that prompted me to lift my shirt off. Of course I didn't do it with much elegance as he did but when I took the shirt off from over my eyes I could just see him staring at me with awe. There are an infinite amount of times I believe I am unworthy of this stare yet I must remind myself how it is a stare I give him and so if he is feeling what I feel when I look at him, then he mustn't be lying. That one look gave me butterflies and made feel so good deep inside, it was a moment of reassurance that I am good enough for him right now, In this moment.

I lowered my shirtless upper body down onto his, maintaining my straddle position. When our bodies touched, when our skin touched I effectively sank into him. I completely wrapped myself around him almost as a form of surrender. The way my skin glides so smoothly against his was warm and preternatural. He gently let out a slow 'ssshhhhhh' and ran his hands down my back and his fingers through my hair, which together, set off goosebumps and tingles throughout my body like firecrackers. I have never felt more safe in my entire life. I closed my eyes, released a slow sensitive hum and whispered,

"I love you"

"Mmm. I love you too"

I reached my maximum emotional content at this point. I began to place kisses all over his upper body, sucking slightly on the skin, marking my territory. He bit his lip bashfully and took a deep breath in, raising his chest and my head that lay on it. I could feel his heart beating fast. I moved up to his neck and placed more kisses and the odd hickey. He moaned. I moved my head up and looked him wistfully in the eyes.

"You wanna?" I giggled,

"Mhm" he replied with a beaming, adorable grin. And just like that, our bodies tangled, moodily lit by the LED lights above... all through the night.

Until we slept of course lol

A/N should I make one from the bf's perspective?

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