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Warning: Drug Use, Alcohol Consumption & smut

I don't even know how I got here, I don't even know where 'here' is. Chase Atlantic is blasting on loop and I can't distinguish any sounds, it all blues together like some sort of abstract white noise. Despite being so incoherent, I'm moving, I'm moving to the rhythm, I'm moving in the lights, feeling the colours all over my skin, watching the world fade and rotate before my eyes. I feel the presence of other people brushing against me as they dance too, however I comprehend them more as other physical beings than people. My movements are so fluid, my hands are traversing through the air as if I was underwater. I came here to get away from where I was, and now I'm slightly scared of where I am.


All the sound completely vanished at the sound of someone's breathy, low voice in my ear. I turned my head so fast it might as well have kept spinning and screw off. There is no one there. I turn my head back, and in front of me stood a boy; a man. His motions seemed as if he was glitching, his eyes were changing colours from red to green to gold to pitch black. I felt my heart sink but it was clear that all I knew in this moment was him, his face 3 centimetres from mine. I felt his hand placed gently on my cheek before I conceptualised it in my field of view.

Suddenly I felt like I finally saw him. I could comprehend all of his features. He had beautiful straight blond hair that was gelled back in a flowy middle-part. His eyes were an icy blue and his nose was small but pointed, hosting freckles that seemed as if they were moving along his face. His face was completely shaven smooth, his lips were curvaceous and I could almost feel their moisture on mine.

My senses were coming back to me so when he took my hand I knew instantly.

"Come with me" he whispered in my ear, smiling gently. He ran a finger through my hair. He got even closer to me that I could no longer focus on him, his lips were touching my ear as he muttered,

"I don't bite" slowly and suggestively, smirking flirtatiously. I felt his grasp begin to pull my hand, and like a rickety mechanism, my legs followed. Each step felt like an earthquake where my vision shook as if my eyes had some sort of a motion blur effect on them. The music started to fade as we went further from the dance floor and out the back exit of the building. The cold air was a violent shock yet it sort of slapped me back to reality. The world still felt as if it had given up on gravity, but I was beginning to become self-aware again.

"Um.." I tried to talk but I stil didn't fully understand what was happening. We were in a long and thing alleyway, he sat neatly on a fan that was connected to the outside wall of the opposing building. I simply stood there by the door we came out of. I see a smile grow on him,

"What did you do?"

"Just a couple of shots and a joint" I replied, my eyes zoning out as I couldn't yet focus on using two senses at once.

"I wish my tolerance was that low" he said giggling. Normally being in an alleyway behind a club with a stranger would be at the bottom of my to-do list however I felt safe. Whether it was the booze or the weed i do not know, however I knew that he wasn't a threat. The way he caressed me, the way he talks so gently and the fact that he's around the same age as me, I wasn't too worried (maybe I should have been, but I was a 17 year old on drugs in a club, I clearly don't have too many worries).

"Try this" I see him slowly reach into his back pocket and pull out a small ziplock bag, all whilst staring at me sensually. There are two identical tablets in the bag, he pours them onto his palm. With his other hand, he picks one up and stretched his arm out at me, offering it.

"Together" he whispers. At least I'm not doing it alone. At least I'm not alone.

"1, 2, 3". I catch a glimpse of his hot neck and his protruding Adam's apple as he leans his head back and swallows the pill. It was like a siren calling me to pounce on him; an invitation I couldn't refuse even if I wanted to. I couldn't feel myself walking, but I knew I was gradually pulling myself closer to him. He put his hand on my throat, every so gently, almost kindly squeezing it. My mouth opened slightly and moaned silently. He closed it with his lips. I felt them press slowly and affectionately against mine. They moved in tandem with his hand which was traversing my hips and up my body. His hand slithered from my neck up my head and his fingers ran through the hair in the back of my head, he pushed us closer. He kissed me faster and with more rigour. His tongue made its debut as his other hand found itself on my growing crotch. I audibly moaned through my nose as my mouth was occupied and I grabbed his perfectly round and bubbly butt.  Whatever he had given me started to kick in and I felt my feet slowly lift off the floor and I began to float. I closed my eyes.

The next time I opened them, I was alone.

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