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It's pitch black outside. The moon is shining almost as bright as the pitch-lights. Hundreds of teens gathered around the school grounds and in the stands watching the game. I was one of them. I was with my 3 best friends, all girls unsurprisingly considering I was one of few openly gay kids in our highschool. We all stood in the stands cheering on our football team but I, more specifically, was cheering for Jackson. I know, I know, his name is Jackson... call me basic I dont care. I can't help that he's simply gorgeous. Plus from what I've heard he's not a total douchebag like the rest of his teammates.

The game is real close, I can barely watch. Up runs Jackson, darting to the end zone. The scores are tied, my heart is pounding. The ball is in the air. Suddenly, a roar of applause crashes from the tense noise as seconds before the end of the game Jackson scores a touchdown. There I am, screaming my head off in excitement and relief, I take no notice to what's around me. I'm high-fiving my friends and howling in celebration that i don't realise Jackson looking up at me from the field. Still cheering I look over at him jogging the length of the field punching the air as his teammates jump all over him and I swear I see him look at me. Ugh I wish. He's probably looking at one of my pretty friends.

The game is finished and everyone is now celebrating on the rest of the field and around the school in their groups. It's a wonderfully vibrant atmosphere and I can't help but be joyful asf.

"Can we please get some snacks im actually famished" says my friend Kacy humorously. The 4 of us go over to the table of food by the backdoor of the school that was a fund raiser which is always good because that means I can eat as much as I want because I'm doing a good deed by supporting a charity no matter how unhealthy I'm being. As we turn around to go back near the stands and talk with others about possible parties this weekend, the teammates still in their uniforms come jogging by, holding Jackson in the air and indistinguishably chanting. We and other nearby cheer them congratulations when I swear on everything I see Jackson turn is head and glance at me again. However this time, now that I'm closer, I think I could make out a little smirk he gave me too.

"Oh my god did you see that?" Exclaimed my other friend Carly,

"What? Jackson?" I replied wondering if she saw it too,

"Not just Jackson"

So fixated I was on Jackson I completely missed the fact that apparently they all looked over in our direction. Others around began to whisper and look my way, also wondering why they looked at me.

"Ok now what the fuck" I say through concerned giggles

"Maybe they need a bottom for an orgy" says my other, more edgy, friend Anthea.

I respond with a sort of 'bitch please' face.

Anyways, it's getting close to when we have to assemble at the stands and listen to the principal and a bunch of other people say shit so we decide to make our way over.

We take our seats and up walks the principal who makes an announcement about the rules of the upcoming prom following the recession of COVID. It's exciting that it's not cancelled this year. She then goes on about dates for further events and welcomes on the sports director to present the trophy.

The director stands on the podium, and after providing medals to the runners up, proudly booms out our winning highschool football team and the cheer around us is almost deafening. Our whole team walks in front of the podium in a communal stance with Jackson holding the trophy in the middle, pausing for a picture. When they're done Jack kisses the trophy and thrusts it into the air, prompting one last brutal cheer. However I was staring harder than I was cheering. As he thrusts the trophy into the air you could see his biceps retract yet still remain visible, and his beaming, perfect smile that paired with his scruffy blond hair made him look like a human golden retriever. He had a naturally slim figure but it was obvious that he has worked hard to built on that as his legs are massive, perfect quarterback material. Despite being so far away I swear I could still see his ocean blue eyes glisten in the piercing moonlight which is why I jumped slightly when I saw them dart in my direction.

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