Turning Tables

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A/N sorry for being inactive. I know everyone uses this excuse but school has been a bitch to me recently. Hope you enjoy this short little comeback:)

2237 words

Listen, I'm not going to pretend like my life sucks. Everyone goes through their own personal troubles and tribulations. We all get down, we all feel small and excluded sometimes. But it's important we recognise the good in our life. Like pancakes and penis for example. Furthermore, I feel like as gay men, we often feel slightly more excluded than most; especially at school. I'm not being hate crimed like school is depicted in almost every gay short film (btw why is there never a happy ending in those smh) but I do receive the occasional microagression to those who don't mean it, and the more outward offences from assholes like your typical jocks and bullies. It was only a couple days ago that the football players laughed at me, dry humping each other and asking if it "turned me on"... I will neither confirm nor deny if it did.

The captain of the football team, Jake, was their clique's leader. They always laughed at what he said, did what he wanted, agreed with him and basically kissed his ass, solely due to the fear of being in my position and facing his wrath (which was usually more embarrassing than scary). It's that mob mentality that really pisses me off.

Jake had his two little henchmen, his two best mates who stood the closest to him at all times, Justin and Noah. Justin saw Jake like a fucking god, so much so that I'm lead to believe he's a little bit homo himself (lmao sus). Noah is sort of like the rest, just happy laughing on the sidelines. However, he is annoying as fuck. Not because of any of the mean shit he does, his whole persona when he's with his friends is just so different to how he actually acts. He seems really sweet, but when he is in that locker room with his mates, he just becomes a human noise machine. He's lucky as fuck that he's the hottest boy in the school. So hot that Jake has to make fun of him for it just to make himself feel less ugly; but I'm sorry Jake, there's no helping you. Dude is so rich he's probably inbred.


I woke up this morning to a day that was no different than any other. In fact, it seemed like I would also forget these meaningless 24 hours. In high school, the world just moves on and on in this endless cycle of minor inconveniences and nights consisting of 3 hours of sleep. My senior friend Britta dropped us off at school, and the monotonous 7 hours of hell began. Although, I'm not here to talk about my amount of homework and the fact that a video of cheerleading captain Chelsea and goth girl Alissa kissing got leaked last night. I'm here to talk about what I clocked happening to Noah today.

I noticed that school was considerably quiet this morning, which lead me to assume Noah was off school sick or fishing or something straight idk. But instead I found him hunched over with his head in his locker, his friends laughing about 15 meters down the hallway. He got up and walked their way, he didn't look sad, but he was still. He walked graciously, but without character. His face was stone cold straight and baseball cap was pushed low over his eyes. The other boys didn't seem to notice anything different, or didn't make a fuss of his newly adopted vibe and greeted him as usual. They walked off to first period. As I did too, I began to think. Am I the only one noticing this? Do I spend so many hours of my day just staring at his beauty that his demeanour is practically cauterised into my brain? I mean, how can you blame me? He has perfectly black hair, scuffed up in loose curls. His nose was littered with freckles and his lips were a beautiful rosey pink. His jawline was indicative of any ripped high school jock- diamond sharp. And I'm not kidding, he is ripped. His shirts are always tight and his trousers are always almost bursting at the thighs. Lemme tell you, I would pay serious bank to lay on those beautiful round pecs- even better, that monstrous ass. Idgaf y'all gon call me cringey but sheesh 😩. He actually doesn't have very defined and rock solid abs, but that's what makes him so much hotter in my opinion. He looks so cuddly, yet fit.

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