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My name is Oliver Scars. I'm a scientist, more specifically an astronomer, I work with a leading National Space Research Organisation to understand and investigate the fundamentals of the universe beyond our little planet. Since as long as I can recall, the idea of not knowing why anything exists on an extraterrestrial scale has always been quite annoying. How ignorant we are as a species, yet that we are the only ones we know of who care to learn and explore, baffled me and still does. It is unfortunate that we comprehend so little but a blessing that we have such a vicious desire to expand our knowledge. Humans are ferociously keen to 'unlock the secrets of the universe' but... some don't see the need. Many believe we are wasting money into astronomical research when we should be focusing on more prominent and threatening issues to our society and our planet- our home. However, what if I told you that the work we do and the research conducted at these organisations will focus on those problems. Here at the World Astronomy Investigation Consortium we aim to delve into using our facilities to ameliorate our planet.

"What do you think?" Says Oliver slightly biting his lip and looking up at Sam.

"Very enthusiastic, a few run-on sentences but very hooking for an intro!" Replies Sam as he takes his eyes of the laptop screen, nudged his round glasses up the bridge of his nose and looks back at Oliver; he had just finished the draft for his introduction for his presentation at the UN Astronomy Conference.

"I knew it, it's awful. I can't write a fucking intro for the life of me" sighs Oliver, resting his forehead in between his thumb and pointer finger.

"Don't be stupid" begins Sam who moves round the coffee table and sits on the sofa next to Oliver.

"This conference isn't for another 3 years ok?". Sam hums an indication of reassurance as he reach his hand round the back of Oliver barely far enough to gently caress his right upper arm. Oliver was a tall, broad and muscular stallion of a man compared to his petite boyfriend Sam.

"Also, if you just wear a shirt a size or two too tight, then you'll be fine",

"Shut up" giggles Oliver through a held-back smirk. Sam kisses him on the cheek and stands up, only slightly taller than Oliver who was sitting down.

"Come on-" Sam stretches out his arm in front of Oliver,

"It's 7:55". Oliver grabs Sam's hand but doesn't put any of his weight onto him as he knows he will easily pull Sam into him. He towers over Sam in the most altruistic way he can. Sam looks up at Oliver and stares deep into his emerald green eyes that seemed to him, had been placed with utmost perfection above his small freckle-infested nose. His lips were assaulting and almost appetising to Sam and were the ornament to his ever so slightly pointed chin that held a violent jawline, one that could slice the very fabric of Sam's reality. To top it all off, Oliver had the most silky wavy and profound dark brown hair that Sam had ever seen and felt.

Oliver noticed Sam's staring and scuffed his sunshine curly hair that was a dazzlingly pale yellow and stroked his right cheek with his thumb as light as a feather; an adoring grin growing on Oliver's face. All of Sam's skin was as smooth as his hair and his features all accentuated his sweetness. However, similar to a small, adorable puppy, Sam was feisty, only Oliver could serenade him. Even then, he stood as a (figuratively) tall, independent and proud man. Oliver found it endearing.

Oliver walked over to the entrance of their house and began to take his work shoes from the rack and put them on.

"Woah, Sarah's shoes got muddy" exclaimed Oliver.

"I told you, she's messy" giggles Sam as he walks to the kitchen to hastily put together a lunch/snack for Oliver at work.
Oliver finished putting on his shoes and walked up behind Sam and wrapped his mighty arms around Sam's dainty centre stopping him for just a split second before he keeps scurrying together this repast. Oliver moved his arms further around Sam and slowly held him tighter before he dug his lips into the side of Sam's neck. Sam took a deep breath from surprise and euphoria and Oliver let out a low, slow moan. Life is good. This moment felt paused in time for the two of them. The morning sun beams in with such grace and warmth as it illuminates the room with a wistful orange glow. The light shines in the kitchen to face the two embraced men, blessing their faces during the songful morning of chattering birds. Each hair on Sams head became balmy with the heat of the sun which Oliver felt as he elegantly ran his fingers through it, which prompted Sam to turn facing Oliver, seeing his perfectly lit figure staring at him zealously. Sam reached up and held Oliver's face, bringing him down to his lips. Their lips danced to the sound of lust. It was kisses like these that often left Sam completely vulnerable to Oliver, so to reassure him, Oliver holds the back of Sam's head into his chest and hugs him tightly.

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