In Dreams

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It always started the same.

Every night for the past two weeks, it always went this way, the same footage repeatedly replayed in her dreams.

Lena tossed and turned her eyes clenched as the images replayed themselves. 


"Lena, don't run so fast and stay away from the edge of the water." Her mother's lyrical voice called out, sending the naughty little girl running away from the edge of the water.

Pamela smiled. There was something so enchanting and thrilling about watching her happy daughter run playfully, her little legs kicking up high and a grin so wide it filled her whole face and showed off the gap between her front teeth.


"Mommy, will we see the duckies today?" Lena shouted as she ran back to her mother, colliding with her and looking up at her expectantly.

Pamela laughed and pushed her raven hair out of the child's eyes. "If you are a very good girl, they may come out to play with you." 

"Yay!" Lena called out, turning away and racing ahead.

Lena shifted again; the unconscious memory was too painful, even in sleep.

Her limbs moved as though they had a life of their own and crashed into the solid body sleeping next to her.

(Y/n) didn't wake; instead, she snuggled closer and mindlessly put her arm across Lena's stomach. 

The song of birds rang out through the air; Lenaa lay back on the blanket her mother had placed on the grass and looked up at the sky.

Clouds hung low like threatening guards too content to hide away the searching sun. 

Lena pouted. Would he ever show his yellow face? 

Would she ever discover if the sun was the brother of the moon?

The girl suspected she knew, but she would like confirmation. 

Lena hadn't wanted to go into the lake with her mother to swim; the idea just didn't appeal to Lena. Water scared her a little.

Watching her mother was boring too. Lena let out a little sigh as the sound of frantic slashing caught her attention.


"No!" Lena shouted; she darted, pushing (Y/n) from her and sending her across the bed, and with a thump (Y/n) landed on the floor.

Lena gasped and threw herself across the bed, peeking over the edge to find (Y/n) on the ground flat on her back, looking up.

(Y/n) blinked but said nothing for a moment; they looked into each other's eyes, Lena biting her lip.

"I'm so sorry." 

"If you wanted more space, you could have said." (Y/n) said, finally breaking her silence. "I've never been kicked out of bed before by anyone." 

Lena grimaced and held her hand out to pull (Y/n) back up. Lena's heart was still pounding from the dream. 

Her hand shook in (Y/n) 's and the photographer looked concerned into Lena's eyes. "Are you okay?"

"What, yes I'm fine, it's just a stupid nightmare." Lena brushed off. 

"It clearly isn't fine for you." (Y/n) replied, rubbing her eyes. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

"What, no, it really was just a bad dream. There is nothing to worry about ." Lena smiled, trying to convince more than just her girlfriend that she was okay. "Now go to sleep." 

"I was asleep until you threw me out of bed and attacked me." (Y/n) threw back at the woman. 

Lena chuckled, but her cheeks sparkled a deep red. 

"It's only half-past two, thank goodness for that. I really wasn't looking forward to getting up any time soon." (Y/n) sighed as she put her cell phone back at the side of the bed. Its blue home screen lit up the dark corner for a short few seconds before turning off.

"Is Andrea still flirting with you?" Lena asked a bit too blatantly.

"Why? Are you jealous?" (Y/n) teased, shifting to settle on her side. 

"No, she can have you if she wants you so badly." Lena pouted.

(Y/n) grinned and ran her fingers down Lena's bare arm. "Oh, don't be so mean; everyone knows you want me. It's pretty obvious too."

Lena arched an eyebrow. 

"It's quite sad you've decided to give me away; who will you attack in your sleep?" (Y/n) asked with a dramatic sigh. "I'm devastated, obviously, but I will respect your decision." 

Making a show of removing herself from the bed (Y/n) slipped away, and just as she was about to leave, Lena's arms stretched out and grabbed ahold of her. "Hold it, you," Lena said with a chuckle. "It would be extremely mean of me to throw you out of bed again."

"You kicked me out." (Y/n) smiled. "I may end up with a bruise; I think you should kiss it better." 

"Do Kryptonians usually bruise and so easily?" Lena asked sarcastically. 

"Kryptonians who have been Greek Goddesses do; it isn't my fault I'm sensitive." (Y/n) pouted dramatically, pushing her bottom lip outward in a mock show of her severe sadness. 

Lena rolled her eyes. "Do you always plan to be so dramatic?" Lena asked as she pulled (Y/n) back down to lie next to her on the bed. 

"Only if you keep on saying you'll give me to Andrea." (Y/n) retorted. 

"Oh, you are silly. "Lena scoffed, draping herself across half of (Y/n) 's upper body, her hand caving circles in the photographer's chest. "If Andrea wants you, then she'll have to engage in a to the death fight with me."

"Really?" (Y/n) asked, astonished. 

"No, you dope." Lena laughed. "But that still doesn't mean she can have you. You're all mine, and I do not share with anyone; how does that sound to you?"

"I can deal with that." (Y/n) replied, "Anyway, Andrea has been so weird recently, she keeps disappearing, and that new blonde keeps hanging around, and Andrea doesn't seem upset about her presence." 

"Oh, that sounds interesting." Lena mused.

 "Are you jealous?" Lena joked. 

In reply, (Y/n) flipped them over, and Lena found herself pinned to the bed, (Y/n) lying over her. "Why would I be jealous?." (Y/n) 's soulful eyes full of meaning searched Lena's. "I have everything I ever wanted right here in this bed. I have you, and when you are ready to tell me about these nightmares that you've been having, I'll be ready to listen." 

"You know about them," Lena whispered, unable to move her eyes from (Y/n) 's. 

"Yes, of course, I know." (Y/n) smiled. "And I'm here when you are ready; I'll always be here." 

Lena smiled as (Y/n) settled next to her and tried to go back to sleep; awake in the darkness, Lena couldn't help the tears that fell from her eyes. They weren't sad tears; she'd rarely known this kind. 

They were happy tears, the kind that made Lena feel wanted and loved and never alone. She felt so stupid for pretending for so long she didn't care for (Y/n), Lena could have had this feeling so much earlier than now. 

But it didn't matter, not really. As Lena wiped the cumbersome tears from her cheeks, she thanked whoever it was that brought (Y/n) into her path. She was wonderful. 

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