A Day In The Life Of A Luthor

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"Absolutely not," Andrea said. "I need (Y/n) on something else."

"If you want this to be something that will blow the competition out of the water, it's not enough to only have Lena on the cover." Kara persisted, she'd been trying to get her boss to reconsider for half an hour.

Andrea was not budging.

"We have other photographers." Andrea dismissed.

"No one with the kind of clout that (Y/n)'s name carries." Kara persisted. "Two Pulitzer prizes, not just one but two." Kara pointed two fingers across at the woman to emphasize her words.

"Still, no."

"Imagine, the reporter who is me." Kara flashed a smile at her boss. "A Pulitzer prize winner interviewing the fanomanaly amazing Lena Luthor, photographed by the two Pulitzer prize winner, it will be flying off the shelves."

"She isn't that amazing." Andrea rolled her eyes. "I shared a dorm room with her trust me; only I know she snores."

"Does she?" Kara gasped. Who would have thought Lena Luthor snored?

"Does who what?" (Y/n) asked as she waltzed into Andrea's office, not bothering to knock.

"Lena Luthor, she snores very badly." Andrea snapped, sounding more like a petulant child telling on her friend to a teacher.

"Does she, that's gross." (Y/n) shrugged. I bet it's cute little snores, the kind that you'd listen to forever, and your heart would melt and... "Who cares, I need to know my next assignment, I don't want to do that coffee shop opening with Nia, it's boring as hell."

Kara flashed Andrea a hopeful grin.

"Fine, (Y/n) Kara needs, a photographer with her today." Andrea sighed, trying her best not to throw a temper tantrum. The thought of (Y/n) and Lena spending the day together was not something she wanted.

(Y/n) turned her head to find the reporter's smile was far too broad, and she looked way too happy with herself.

"What am I doing?" (Y/n) asked.

"You and I are going to be hanging out with Lena Luthor all day," Kara replied happily as (Y/n) felt the ground shift beneath her.

"What the hell!" (Y/n) flipped an angry glare at Andrea. "What if she falls asleep and snores?" What if I fall even more in love with her?

"She doesn't snore." Kara sighed. "Meet me at my desk in ten minutes." The woman rushed from the room a kick in her step as she aimed to set out all she needed.

(Y/n) watched Kara flee in horror, her mouth falling open.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Andrea called sweetly. "I don't snore."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, searching for the exit. "Hey, Kara, wait for me!"

Andrea watched as (Y/n) fled the office so fast she slammed her knee against the door frame.

(Y/) didn't stop. Instead, it spurred her to move faster.


Lena tried to sit comfortably in her chair and ignore the ominous figure of (Y/n) who sat seemingly unaffected on a chair beside Kara picking through some chocolates she had apparently brought out from nowhere.

Kara was already eyeing them up.

With (Y/n) consumed with the confectionary, Lena leaned forward, grasping onto the desk. "Psst, Kara, why did you bring her here?"

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