Search For The Kryptonian

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"How did this happen?" Alex asked as she tried to remain calm; Lena had spent the last hour in a panic, and Kara was just perplexed.

Alex had to remind herself that it wasn't her sister's fault she was missing a lot of the story.

"I don't know, we were okay one minute, and then that blonde barmaid appeared and dared to kiss (Y/n)." Lena could still see the smug look on the woman's face. 

"And then what?" Alex asked.

"Then she began acting weird." Lena shrugged. "Listen, how will this help?"

(Y/n) had run from the cafe while Kara was on the phone with Alex, she'd been missing ever since. Three hours had passed, and there was no sign of her.

Alex took a deep breath. "You know she is Kryptonian; she wouldn't be affected by anything from this earth." 

Lena frowned. 

"It has to be red kryptonite, from the description," Alex muttered under her breath.

Kara's eyes grew wide shed been standing st the other side of the lab and pacing trying to figure out what to do, but mainly trying to put together the pieces and hopefully come up with who or what a flying meathead was."

"What do you mean?"

Lena and Alex turned towards the advancing superhero; they'd momentarily forgotten she was in the room.

Alex grimaced. "What?"

"You said (Y/n) was Kryptonian, and this sounds like Red kryptonite," Kara repeated, her gaze moving from her sister to her best friend. "You both kept this from me."

"It wasn't our secret to tell you," Lena replied, and Alex nodded.

"(Y/n) isn't exactly a big fan of yours," Alex said timidly. "She hates Supergirl, even more, telling you would have been out of order."

"But I'm your sister, there is another Kryptonian here, and you don't think I'm entitled to know?" Kara stressed, how long had they known?

"Alex is right (Y/n) chose to tell us because she trusts us; we've been close to her." Lena sighed; she didn't need this now; she didn't need her best friend to start acting like a dickhead.

"We have a Kryptonian out there somewhere high on red kryptonite," Kara confirmed, finally catching up to events. What could possibly go wrong?

"She can't be that hard to find. Don't you have a database that tracks anyone with Kryptonian DNA?" Lena shrugged, 

"We do." Alex agreed with a smile. "With Winn not around, I totally forgot about that."

"We only thought there were two Kryptonians," Kara said; she thought she was the last daughter of Krypton sent to earth to be saved and be a hero. 

How long had (Y/n) been on earth? had she left the same way she did, and who were her family?


(Y/n) strutted through the doors and hallways of Catco; if Lena didn't want her and preferred the Cosmic barbie doll with the limited brain capacity and the personality of an amoeba, then (Y/n) knew a woman who did want her.

"Oh, hello (Y/n)." Andrea smiled, seeing the woman leaning against the doorframe to her office.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" 

"What question you need is what can I do to help you." (Y/n) mischievously smiled, her eyes flashing with naughty glee. 

"I don't know what you mean," Andrea said, her cheeks starting to redden; this look in (Y/n)'s eyes was unfamiliar, and it was a little unnerving. 

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