Ddraig and Azami

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Kagerou and dxd my dudes here we go!!

Many years ago a mighty dragon named Ddraig fell in love with the child of the yokai god, yamata no Orochi and a half dragon half medusa named Azami  but one day tragedy struck and God struck her down to draw out Ddraig to seal him into a sacred gear but before she died she gave Ddraig her yes and power but they lay dormant and as such could not protect him from being sealed one day in the present the power of the eyes awakens and Ddraig leaves his host Issei who had abused his power with combining eyes and used awakening eyes to build a new body this will be his story.

Yes Ddraig can use all the eye abilities including locking eyes to freeze people at low power and turn them to stone at max and he can turn them on and off at will, Issei will still have the sacred gear but he can't use juggernaut drive and his gear becomes much weaker and gains a pale color. This story starts around the time riser is beaten and yes, Ddraig will get Ascalon. Oh and Rias is a power hungry THOT so she, Issei, and the others tries to catch Ddraig and seal him back in (she will regret it there will be no forgiveness or mercy). Plus Ddriag will have a human form can use and altered form of the sacred gear that Issei used but proper colors and a more organic look with the gems looking like eyes . His human form will be Kurosawa but red hair and green eyes and he will use Azami's last name.

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