proto gaim

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Okay this is the cliche kamen rider gaim in  koihime muso but there is a twist the other riders have the normal armor but the protagonist has proto gaim. Proto gaim is the prototype version of gaim which was shown in the zangetsu stage show just gaim with a black under suite and silver bits instead of a blue one and gold bits in this story the suite will have the flame pattern bujin gaim had in the movie same with the orange arms but its not blood orange just normal orange, it will also have a more mechanical aspect to it with wires pipes and gear hear and there it also has slightly higher power than base form gaim zangetsu or bravo but this is because it cant filter helhime energy as well as the final version so it has more raw helhime energy wich results in side effects similar to the sclash driver witch causes the user to become more aggressive the more the armor is used though not to the same extent also if the armor is pushed to far for too long the user may become an inves. ( our main character will get an overlord form ) That's the gist of it

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