Dxd + Build = best match

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As you probably know from the title this is a dxd and kamen rider crossover

So a person from our world is sent to dxd with a hackers level of 7 and blood tribe cells which are slowly turnip into him into a full blood tribe member. He will use the  build driver and maybe the evol driver later on his base form will probably either be gold rabbit and silver dragon or great cross z.  Issei will stay human and will be the secondary rider and use a custom full bottle and cross z dragon like device to transform. Also in this nebula gas is highly toxic to supernatural entities be it a devil, angel, dragon, or gods all supernatural entities will not mix with nebula gas also attack magic will be weak against those who have been exposed to nebula gas and non attack magic won't work they will only work properly if used by someone who has been exposed to nebula gas. The main protagonist and issei will not really work with any supernatural faction (well they might work with Azazel he has this cool uncle vibe to him) and work as their own organization that works to protect humans and allow them to fight back against the supernatural if they will take the name Faust for their group and the main villains will be a man who gathered others like him who were wronged by the supernatural and/or a member of the blood tribe who is after the Pandora's box if you want to have both the to villains won't work together and will be enemies. They protagonist and Issei will start a Tokusatsu club and any other good rider will join said club. Also yes Issei will use his booster gear his rider forms will be based of his balance breaker/scale mail as a side effect Ddraig will have some resistance to nebula gas which will cause his to have a higher hazard level that what supernatural beings should normally be capable of having.

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