Driving D.X.D

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Inspired by Chalice: The Wild Card Chronicles

In this story our female protagonist is sent to the world of D.X.D as a combination of a humanoise from Zio, a humagear/magia from Zero One, what ever Mgeahex is meant to be, and a over evolved roidmude from drive who can, like roidmude 108 single handedly induce a permanent global freeze though she will look like a mix between base form megahex and a normal humagear. She chooses to save Issei and stop him from becoming a devil (because fuck Rias) and help him not be an ass. Now she has to stop all 108 roidmudes as mashin chaser and make sure to protect humans from the power hungry supernatural. (they will have the signal axe and their break gunner will like dark drives have a blade on it though it can be removed and they will still have signal bikes, viral cores, and shift cars, they get their own version of the Tridoron key but for the ride chaser, it can be used for finishers not from the and final from will be super chaser but they may use Chase's other forms) Though issei will help her as drive. (he won't get a harem only one pairing and yes the protagonist is an option.) ( the boosted gear will have a more streamlined and mechanical appearance and the gems will show a wheel while in his balance breaker the gem in the center will have the drive emblem, also instead of having 2 orange spikes on the back there will only be one which doubles as a sword) NO supernaturals will become kamen riders except for Ddraig who deserved better than what he got in the show as a side character who got his name dragged through the dirt by cannon Issei. Ddraig will have a mechanical vessel that look like a human but can turn into a dragon which he can control he can manifest his own boosted gear that looks exactly like Issei's and he will become Mach. Issei, the Protagonist, and Ddraig will make a tokusatsu club in the school.

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