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you know what, i was planning on doing  30 chapters or 25 and i think ima do 25 because i am so tired of this story but also am so determined for it to be over, honestly not think about writing it makes me calm, besides i wanna focus on my yt, plus new school coming up, hw and idk if i will deal with all that.

but i want the end to be satisfying (at least for me), so i guess these are gonna be some hecking long chapters.

(also question, should i swap a6d for antfrost?)

i just want to have all this off my back, and after this one there';ll be one mroe sfdjfhjjh ok lets speedrun this mf

and i just want to say, i think this is harder to write because this is more based off of the old skeppy fandom, having a6d and finn n stuff as mains, and i was always just a skep/bbh fan not rlly a spifey or finn avid watcher. sssssss


Everyone has grown restless. It's like there's something nibbling at their toe, yipping for them to constantly be doing something. And frankly it's making my head hurt, the absence of silence, the sound of wind is driving me insane. I think that George has organised the medical cupboard five times. And in the background amidst the tapping, banging and plops, there's the constant paranoid chatter breezing out of Darryl's mouth, unrecognizable words uttering from his lips and he paces with unease up and down. And Geo is muttering to Finn, who is out of loop but still whispers back. They glance at me every minute or so.

I fling myself to a bed, and the crunching metallic sound of the springs is only a raindrop compared to the whirlwind or whispers, tapping and murmurs. My back bounces back on the white bed and my head shoots into the single, flat pillow. I swiftly shove my hands over my ears in an attempt to form a barrier between me and the loud, loud sounds of around.

Yet the worried sounds and voices weave their way into my mind, swirling around my mind, almost taunting me. I hear the murmurs, catching on various words that wisp from his mouth, the oh so very anxious, sickly utters swirling around an around. The taps, though faint drive me insane, every little sound makes me want to punch a wall... again. And though my eyes and crammed shut I can feel the burning, accusing stare of Geo as he nervously glances my way before launching into another wave of gossip.

I feel like a bomb.




Tick. Tick. Tick.

"Oh for GODS sake will you all just RELaX! Please for the love of all that is holy just STOP!!!" It slips out my mouth before my mind has time to realise it spoke. The booming voice seems to echo through the room.

A deafening silence rings through the air. I could just melt into the bed, embracing the sweet, sweet sound of the quiet wind, as it whispers in my ear mellow wisps. I heave a long breath and sit up. I open my eyes and scan the room, meeting everyone's shocked gaze. "Guys, I know that all has gone to hell. I fu- I know that everything that could have gone wrong, has just gone to hell! I KNOW goddamn it, but it has been two days since everything the world went upside down. But you guys have dealt with worse! Stop being pussies and just deal with it, yeah this sucks, but we can't just sit here muttering and spreading rumors like a stupid high school. I can't sit here listening to the unease and paranoia rousing through the room or I might just go snap someone's neck."

Again the room is silent.

I feel stunned, dazed, like all the air was sucked out of my lungs. My eyes feel intense, my body is stiff and my fists and clenched so tight it feels like they might just stay glued to my palm for all my years.

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