lost again

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Darius: "I'm not calling this place camp Kenji."

Kenji: "why it's an amazing name, Darius."

Darius: "no it isn't how about we call it the camp Darius and friends."

Brooklyn: "I would agree with you but that's lame even for you."

Yasmina: "really and friends not even best friends we've been here together for 1 and a half months and your only calling us friends it's like we're brothers and sisters or like we're all married for no reason."

Kenji: "I could see it considering I am a cool hot dream."

Yasmina: "oh my God you are so full of yourself Kenji."

Kenji: "I know that's why you like me."

Yasmina: "I don't like you as soon as we get off this island I will probably never see you again."

Ben: "if we got off the island who's taking bumpy."

Sammy: "since I have a farm it should be me I love animals as long as they're trying not to kill us."

Brooklyn: "don't be ridiculous Sammy and ben she will have to stay here."

Kenji: "but wouldn't she be better with me because ya know I'm awesome and rich."

Ben: "and dumb and irresponsible."

Darius: "calm down no one is taking bumpy she stays here."

Ben: "but she'll die alone."

Darius: "why are we even talking about this it doesn't make any sense."

Brooklyn: "I agree with Darius."

Yasmina: "anyway right now we should be thinking of a way out of here."

Darius: "I have an idea but you're not going to like it."


They arrived at main Street.

Sammy: "erm didn't we run away from here for a reason."

Kenji: "this has to be your worst idea yet bro."

Yasmina: "I 100% agree with Kenji this is stupid."

Ben: "isn't Rexy here."

Brooklyn: "hey guys give him a chance."

Darius: "I said that camp would be the first place to look but before that they would probably go here."

Kenji: "I don't care were leaving like now."

A compy then jumped on Darius. Darius tried to get it off then realized something.

Darius: "wait this is the same compy that jumped on me when we first entered camp cretaceous."

The compy then jumped of Darius and ran away.

Darius: "weird it almost looked like that compy was running away from something."

Yasmina: "that's because it is."

They look up and see Rexy just staring and chasing after them.

Ben: "let's feed him to the mosasaurs bumpy."

Bumpy whacked Rexy in the stomach with her clubbed-like tail. Rexy fell to the ground in pain. She got back up and tried to fight but bumpy kept on hitting her and Rexy gave up.

Kenji: "don't worry guys you'll be safe because I just destroyed Rexy."

Yasmina: "Yeah right you did nothing you were more scared than me."

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