the escape plan

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About a week after the spinosaurs attack

Darius: "okay if you move that log over there then that one there."

Owen: "but what if we put that there."

Ben: "that'll never work because what is it going to float with."

Darius: "haven't actually got that far haha."

Brooklyn: "I'm sure you will figure it out eventually."

Owen: "well eventually has to be by next week or we will be with a relative called death very soon."

Kenji: "how exactly?"

Owen: "that fire is getting closer everyday."

Ben: "but can't we build like a fire wall or something."

Owen: "out of what trees because that won't work."

Yasmina: "how about we try and fix the helicopter or maybe that plane what me and Kenji saw."

Kenji: "we won't have any fuel plus what are we gonna rebuild it out of?"

Yasmina: "good point."

Ben: "speaking of fuel what about our food and water supplies there running out and fast."

Darius: "well we know where running water is and surely there some fish around this island."

Owen: "okay Ben and yas come with me to get some water."

Darius: "which means me, Brooklyn and Kenji are fishing."

Ben: "haha losers."

Kenji: "just hope there no dinosaurs out there woo."

Ben: "really Kenji that's not scary."

Kenji: "woo that's what they all say woooo."

Brooklyn flicks him in the back of the head."shut up please."

Kenji rubbing his head "ouch that hurt."

Brooklyn."woo nobody cares."

Darius laughed as he grabbed the fishing rods.

About an hour later.

Ben: "so all we have to do is collect water how hard can it be."

Yasmina: "please don't say that again."

Ben: "what how hard can it be."

Yasmina: "know where cursed great thanks a lot Ben."

Owen: "guys keep your voice down its dangerous enough as it is."

Ben: "how is it?"

Owen: "well dinosaurs need to drink aswell so there could be a heard coming you never know."

Ben: "Yeah but it's very unlikely."

Yasmina: "guys."

Owen: "but there is still a chance."

Yasmina: "I really think you should listen."

Ben: "but I'm saying it won't happen."

Yasmina: "guys I really think we should."

Owen: "but it's true there could be one right know so be quite."

Ben: "no because the possiblit- Yasmina stopped him before he could finish "GUYS THERE'S A MASSIVE HEARD OF DINOSAUR LISTEN."

Owen: "that's not a heard there fleeing."

They ran behind some rocks before being trampled.

Ben: "what are we gonna do know because the big bad dinosaur will come here at one point."

Camp Cretaceous Season 3Where stories live. Discover now