the end?

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Darius: "Brooklyn wake up please I can't lose you."

Owen: "wait is that my motorcycle."

Kenji: "thats your motorcycle."

Owen: "Yeah pretty sweet don't you think."

Brooklyn woke up confused and a tiny bit scared.

Brooklyn: "are they gone are we still in danger?"

Darius wiped the tears of his eyes " your okay Brooklyn don't worry I'll always be there if you need me."

Darius leaned into Brooklyn as the two kissed below the moon.

All the other campers stood still in shock.

Brooklyn: "thank you darius your always there when I need you."

Yasmina: "okay then know that that's over what do we do know."

Owen: "we get of this island as a team working together and we will eventually get of the island well if we're lucky anyway."

Kenji: "I think we should all head back to camp."

Owen: "what are you talking about Kenji we are at camp."

Kenji: "oh I did not notice that."

Owen: "I can try fixing the helicopter."

Sammy: "good."

Owen: "so can I do my work in peace please."

Kenji: "hey darius."

Darius: "yes Kenji."

Kenji: "I need water for my shower a very cold shower."

Darius: "Then get it yourself."

Yasmina: "don't worry Kenji I'll get it for you."

Kenji: "thanks yas."

Brooklyn: "hey darius want to play cards."

Darius: "how do we do that with no cards."

Brooklyn: "you mean like these cards."

She showed him an exclusive dinosaur pack of cards with dinosaur fossils on the back with the rest being blue.

Darius: "what how did you get that."

Brooklyn: "remember those rich people who tried to kill the dinosaurs."

Darius: "Yeah."

Brooklyn: "stole it while I snuck in the tent."

Darius: "wow that's impressive."

Brooklyn: "so you up for a game."

Darius: "of course let's go."

While the two walk of to play cards Sammy and ben are quite confused.

Sammy: "wait how did you survive again."

Ben: "no how did you survive."

Sammy: "I actually don't know."

Ben: "well I fed the mosasaurs."

Sammy: "how."

Ben: "I fed it one sinocerotops and 2 compys."

Sammy: "okay then."

Sammy said looking a little creeped out.

Owen: "right so if that goes there and that goes there we should be finished."

Kenji: "really good I want a proper shower."

Yasmina: "hey we will see each other again right."

Darius and Brooklyn came back from playing cards.

Darius: "of course why wouldn't we."

Brooklyn: "Yeah we're all going to see each other again and I might be able to make you famous."

Yasmina: "and why do we need that."

Brooklyn: "because it's awesome that we survived this long right."

Sammy: "well what about mantacore erm I probaly was supposed to not tell you."

Ben: "does it matter we can shut that company down for bringing you to this hell hole."

Owen: "wait your a spy for mantacore."

Sammt: "Yeah why."

Owen: "because if they know have samples they could build a place just like this and lots of innocent people could be killed."

Sammy: "oh opps."

Owen: "doesn't matter we have to go we will tell everyone what happend when we get back."

They all get in the helicopter as they float away.

Yasmina: "woo were getting of this dump."

Kenji: "and we're do we go from here?"

Darius: "isn't that isla sorna over there."

Owen: "we go to Costa Rica and yes it is."

Suddenly a flock of dimorphodons attacked the helicopter and the kids.

Owen: "hold on tight."

Darius was kicking them in the face but it was no use there was at least 10 dimorphodons attacking the helicopter then there was a sound no one liked to here in a helicopter silence.

Owen: "were going down."

Darius: "just in case we don't make it out alive I love you Brooklyn."

Brooklyn: "I live you to darius."

The helicopter was getting closer and closer to the ground with every breath.

Kenji: "I know we all had our differences bit I think we can all agree that we had a good time with each other."

Sammy: "Yeah Yasmina and everyone else thanks for being the best of friends ever."

Ben: "you guys are the reason I got courage to step up and fight thank you."

Yasmina: "Kenji I really really like you I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was just being silly but I realise that you mean a lot to me know."

Kenji: "I love you to Yasmina I'm sorry I was a jerk I guess it was just a normal reaction."

Know the helicopter was about 60 meters from the ground as they all hugged tightly around each other saying there goodbyes as the helicopter crashes into the ground causing a massive explosion on isla sorna and that seems to be the end they line for the campers and Owen.

Should I keep going or should I end the story there? I hope you enjoyed this one have a good day or night.

Camp Cretaceous Season 3Where stories live. Discover now