end of an era part 1

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The cracks kept coming closer and closer until it was revealed to be a compy.

Kenji while hiding behind darius said "haha you guys were afraid of a little compy."

Brooklyn and darius just stared at each other

Darius: "sure Kenji because we were the one hiding behind you."

Kenji didn't reply.

Brooklyn: "anyway this syringe is purple with a green cap right."

Darius: "from what I've heard yes it is."

Kenji: "so what's so special about this syringe?"

Darius: "basically it's the poison from and unknown spiecies of dinosaur and if we get it it will be proof of doctor wu being evil."

Kenji: "so how does that help us get to Costa Rica?"

Brooklyn: "it doesn't we just told you that to keep you quiet."

Darius: "so apparently this syringe is somewhere in this room."

Kenji: "you mean like that thing over there?"

Darius: "yes that's it actually."

Brooklyn: "that was easier than I thought."

She said as they walked out of the laboratory

Meanwhile at camp.

Yasmina: "so we're are they?"

Owen: "maybe fishing somewhere else."

Yasmina: "well should we work one the boat then because I have a few ideas."

Ben: "Yeah let's get started."

Owen: "so what your plan."

Yasmina: "I see the canisters we have for boyences."

Ben: "how do we attach them?"

Owen: "using the vines from the tree."

Back at the entrance of the laboratory.

Brooklyn: "is that the old jeeps."

Kenji: "awesome I wanna go."

Darius: "do you really think it's gonna work."

Kenji: "worth a shot right." He said as he turned the key the engine turned on and gave a little noise and some smoke and died.

Kenji: "great there's no more diesel."

Brooklyn: "guess we better find some."

Darius: "hang on a minute it might not be out of diesel." Darius replied as he opened the bonet to find weed coming out the engine.

Brooklyn: "does that mean it's dead dino nerd."

Darius: "no it just means that the jeep is very old here it's probaly because there's no power in the battery."

Kenji: "so how do we get some."

Darius we could take the one out of that jeep if it works. He said pointing at the Jeep with no wheels and was pretty much an engine.

Brooklyn: "since when did you know so much about cars?"

Darius: "just always have I guess."

Darius then changes the battery around until the Jeep was able to set of and they were heading back to camp.

Yasmina: "were are they.

Owen: "doesn't matter at least we know have some boyence it won't be another but I'm sure we can find some more."

Camp Cretaceous Season 3Where stories live. Discover now