never trust anyone

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Kenji: "just don't stop running if you want to to live."

The spinosaurs was chasing them down losing stamina due to it not being in it natural water habitat.

Brooklyn: "what do we do know."

Owen: "grab a stick."

Yasmina: "here take it."

Owen grabs the stick attaching his pocket knife to the stick attached by a string he found on main Street.

Owen: "3 2 1."

Owen throws the spear at the spinosaurs grazing it's sail fin in its back. They all jump into the bushes hiding from the spinosaurs.

Kenji: "what do we do know."

Kenji whispered trying not to alert the confused spinosaurs.

Darius: "we run away slowly."

He said starting to cough as smoke suddenly started to appear more often.

Yasmina: "what is causing all this smoke and what's the plan?"

Owen: "back away *cough* slowly but try not to *cough* hit anything."

Ben: "or we could feed him to the mosasaurs."

Yasmina: "and we're exactly do you expect to find one."

Ben: "oh yay I forgot about that haha."

Brooklyn: "let's just go *cough* already."

They crawl away slowly as the spinosaurs retreats because of the spear still left in its sail fin.

Yasmina: "well *cough* at least we made it out *cough*."

Owen: "that's a lot of *cough* smoke."

The smoke was coming from the massive fire they caused when the helicopter crashed down.

Darius: "could it be from *cough* the fire the helicop- *cough* ter caused by crashing."

Owen: "probaly now stay low."

They all fell onto their knees frying you escape the hot ashy smoke that was there.

Kenji: "the research center over there look."

Owen: "let's go then."

They walk into the research center that for some reason still had air conditioning systems running so they weren't coughing or anything.

Owen: "well that's wierd."

Ben: "do you think someone's here or mantacore you know something like that."

Owen: "maybe."

Brooklyn: "no can't be no one's been in here since well the last 10 years or so."

Darius: "how can you be so sure."

Brooklyn: "remember I have great instincts also I've been to a place that people have snuck into where they shouldn't have but everything felt different."

Darius: "I guess we don't have to worry about dinosaurs then."

Owen: "I wouldn't be so sure she said people not dinosaurs."

Brooklyn: "exactly what I was saying."

Kenji: "this place is creepy."

Yasmina: "does this make you feel better."

Yasmina grabbed Kenji's hand and started holding it as she leant into his shoulder.

Kenji: "much better."

He said feeling like his life was actually feeling loved for once.

Ben: "there's a light over there."

Owen: "move in slowly you don't know what's there."

Darius: "okay."

Then walk in slowly as they find them close to the door Owen kicked down the Door with doctor wu dropping the dinosaur egg.

Owen: "why are you here."

Wu: "creating dinosaurs and you."

Owen: "you know can't do that anymore."

Wu: "say who I can create whatever I like."

Owen: "Yeah and you knew the indominous rex was going to break out you wanted this to happen so everyone would know about your research."

Wu: "wow I always knew that you were smarter that everyone else well of course except from me."

Owen: "you son of a bitch."

Owen curled his hands into a fist and punched wu in the jaw.

Owen: "how could you you were a trusted scientist you could have done good and made it that way."

Wu: "no this was the only way by working with mantacore."

Owen: "do yourself a favour a stay away from dinosaurs and me."

Wu: "and what makes you think I'll do that."

Owen: "because there are live on the line expecially yours."

Wu: "and what makes you think I can't take you out right know."

Owen: "because you don't have Strength to admit that you were wrong if you did that maybe we could be friends forget this ever happened start a new chapter help us get of this island and in return we won't tell anyone."

Owen pulled out his hand for a handshake for this new agreement wu than put his hand towards opens and he shook hands.

Wu: "I disagree."

Wu pulled out a needle and stabbed Owen before he could react the injection caused owens bones and muscles to be weekend and he fell flat on the floor all shrivelled up like his entire body just stopped working.

Wu: "know to put you kids out of your misery once and for all."

Sorry it's short also sorry I didn't post in a while I've just been doing a lot of other stuff also thanks for all you support its been really nice and I really appreciate it have a nice day or night.

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