stuck on isla nubla

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Yasmina: "wait who are you?"

The helicopter lands down to greets the kids.

Owen: "my names Owen Owen grady whats yours."

Ben: "I'm Ben and this is Yasmina."

Yasmina: "how did you find us."

Owen: "distress signal."

Meanwhile with Brooklyn and darius.

Brooklyn: "so what do we do know."

Darius: "erm jump in the water maybe."

Brooklyn: "oh yeah great idea."

Darius: "hey if you don't like it why dont you think of something."

The velocirapter pounces the campers.

Brooklyn: "erm I don't know maybe let me think USE THE GUN."

Darius shot blue shocking her to run away.

Darius: "wow you can shoot really loud."

Brooklyn: "Yeah sorry about that I was just scared."

Darius: "me to."

Brooklyn: "so what do we do know?"

Darius: "use the motorcycle that we left for some reason."

Brooklyn: "okay whatever you say."

Sammy and Kenji.

Kenji: "his computer turned on."

Sammy: "failed genetic hybrid Indoraptor."

Kenji: "so is it like a cousin of the indominous rex or something."

Sammy: "no its got no family durr."

Kenji: "whatever if it's got indo in its name it's dangerous."

Sammy: "Yeah wow so scary come on Kenji it's the size of my hand."

Kenji: "drop it."

Sammy: "no its cute."

Kenji was silenced by the sound of a massive tremor.

Kenji: "what was that."

It seemed like his question was awnsered when a spinosaurs came crashing through the building knocking it down. Sammy and Kenji made it out but where scared of the giant spinosaurs looking into there eyes.

Sammy: "Yeah I'm thinking we should go."

Kenji: "Yeah good plan."

"Arhhhh" Kenji screamed while running away for his life.

Sammy: "you gotta any ideas."

Kenji: "nope."

Kenji bangs his head against a branch of a tree knocking him to the ground Sammy then tripped over Kenji.

Kenji: "this is going to hurt."

The spinosaurs reached out his claws ready for a swipe when.

Darius: "hey ugly other here."

Darius and Brooklyn were on the motorbike darius driving zoomed of with the spinosaurs not far behind.

Kenji: "oh I remember this place it's right next to camp."

Sammy: "oh yeah I remember know."

They run of and ran into yas and ben with Owen grady next to them.

Sammy: "well that's something you don't see every day."

Owen: "never seen me before."

Kenji: "no but you look awesome."

Camp Cretaceous Season 3Where stories live. Discover now