closer together or splitting apart

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Owen: "Ben watch out."

Owen jump and pushed him out of the way.

Brooklyn: "jump."

The kids jumped in the water and swam for their life. Darius soon realises the mistake they just made.

Darius: "guys are you forgetting something."

Ben: "I don't think so."

Darius: "it can swim."

Brooklyn: "ohhhhhhh so that's why you didn't want to jump."

Owen: "we need to get out know."

Ben: "how."

Darius: "swim down."

Brooklyn: "why."

Darius: "just trust me."

Brooklyn: "always."

They all swam down in the water darius then pointed out some sort of crashed of sunken boat of some sort. "Down there" He tried to say filling his mouth with water. They followed him along the way Ben was losing air all of them made it safely but he was not very happy.

Ben: "I could have drowned darius and know we're trapped I'm a boat with only a small amount of oxygen left."

Darius: "them stop speaking so much and do you won't waste it."

Ben: "well what are we going to do next."

Darius: "erm I may have not thought of that."


Owen stopped him by putting his hand over is mouth.

Owen: "I have an idea if we work together we might be able to make a smaller boat with just enough oxygen to get us there."

Brooklyn: "and we're are we supposed to find the materials for that."

Owen: "right there."

He pointed to a lot of cabinets and 2 beds.

Darius: "why are we that lucky."

Owen: "I have no idea."

(Deffinatly not for plot convince *wink wink*)

Back at the torn apart plane.

Kenji: "why are you being so mean yas."

Yasmina: "your telling me I'm being mean."

Kenji: "yes and I don't like it."

Yasmina: "I'm sorry who's the one who nearly got us killed multiple times and who's the most stuck up also who was it that couldn't stop talking about how rich you were."

Kenji: "err erm."

Yasmina: "you You ANd YOU."

Kenji didn't reply just shocked and quite scared. Before yas could go on another rant for ages there was a rapters call.

That's basically it but it is 6 minutes long so maybe don't watch the entire thing)

Kenji: "what was that."

Yasmina: "probaly a rapters Yeah it is I remember when me and darius went to all the dinosaur facts this one had a speaker."

Kenji: "you are sounding to much like darius at the moment."

Yasmina: "still better than you."

Kenji: "look yas I'm really sorry okay I didn't mean to hurt you I was just trying to."

Yasmina: "don't even try that with me."

Kenji speak a single tear going down his cheek and dropped on the floor.

The raptors called again.

Yasmina: "okay the rapters will probaly be in the bushes so if we stay here we should be fine."

There was a massive band of the other side of the plane and the rapters jumped onto Yasmina with its claws and mouth ready to kill.

Back in the boat.

Owen: "done."

Ben: "that is never going to work in a million years."

Darius: "haven't you used all you allowance of air or something."

Brooklyn: "hahaha."

Owen: "get in."

Brooklyn: "what about the spinosaurs."

Owen: "we will go round and hopefully he doesn't spot us."

They floated it as slow as they tried to and got of just away another from the spinosaurs that it couldn't see them.

Ben: "thew he didn't spot us."

Owen: "let's just hide here for know."

Meanwhile at the plane thing weren't going so well.

Yasmina was screaming in pain.

Kenji: "get of her you stupid big chicken."

Kenji grabbed the pocket knife and ran at the rapters and stabbed it in the neck.

Kenji: "are you okay."

He asked putting his hand out to Yasmina. Yasmina didn't say anything she pulled him going and kissed him on the lips.

Yasmina: "thank you."

Kenji heart raced again like in had gotten back together. The two ran out of the plane till they found themselves reunited with the rest of he group.

Darius: "where we're you guys."

Yasmina: "well basically Kenji saved the day."

Brooklyn: "Yeah right he can't even save his girlfriend."

Yasmina: "but he did."

Everyone stood in shock.

Kenji: "hey I'm not that useless."

Everyone burst out into laughter and watched the sun go down. Kenji and Yasminas head leant on each other.

Yasmina: "I'm really sorry Kenji I was just a lit-."

Kenji: "no I'm sorry I shouldn't be acting like this I should act like we're on a stranded island because we are and I'm not getting everything easy anymore and when I realise that I'll be worthy of dating you."

I hoped you guys enjoyed I haven't posted in like a week because my dad took my phone to his work lol so I'll try and post another chapter within 3 days If possible thanks for all the support have a great day.

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