Traitor pt 1.

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TW: Blood, Mentions of death and torture.
Set in season 8/9

They say I'm a traitor.

Maybe I am.

All I know is that.

I did what I had to do.

It was just your typical average Monday afternoon, for a ninja that is.

Sprinting on the rooftops of Ninjago City, the ninja were in hot pursuit of some local thieves.

"Jay, can you cut power from the next two streets?" Lloyd asked, his voice static through our old intercoms. I really needed to fix them.

"On it!" I yelled, taking a shortcut through an alleyway. If I could get ahead of the thieves, I could shut power off and they wouldn't be able to pass by the train systems. Of course the citizens onboard the subways would be upset, but that was an issue for another day.

I swung on the cable lines dangling above, dodging the wet laundry hanging from some of the apartments.

Finally after a few moments, the sound of the busy station started coming into view. All I had to do was a simple override and the subways would be shut down for a short period of time, enough for whatever Lloyd was planning.

"Just on time, Mr. Walker" a voice said from the shadows, before everything went dark.


"Jay? Do you have that power shortage?" I asked, we were approaching and the thieves were just out of my reach. I needed them to get trapped at the station. "Jay? Do we have the go?" 

I was getting irritated, Jay had a habit of muting his intercom and I figured this is what had happened. Sadly we couldn't go ahead and do the plan without knowing for sure the trains were down, we had to just guess. 

"Head for the station, go ahead and block both entrances to the station" I ordered, we'd have to just take the risk. "We'll meet Jay there and finish this so we can head for lunch" 

"Have you heard from Jay by chance?" Nya asked, slight anxiety present in her voice. "He normally checks in by now, or at least drops a joke or two" 

She wasn't wrong, something I loved about our team was the diverse dynamic. Zane and I tended to be our more stoic and logical thinkers, Cole and Kai were typically a more fiery pair; ready for every and any battle, Nya was our source of reason; the perfect blend of the two. And Jay was our empathetic and comedic relief, always ready to talk through your problems and provide an optimistic outlook. 

"No, he hasn't checked in. I'm assuming his intercom broke" I explained, we were almost to the station, hopefully he was waiting there. "I'm not sure if the station is done yet or not, but we're going to have to proceed anyway" 

"The likeliness of this mission succeeding without Jay is 0.34%" Zane warned, sometimes you had to ignore numbers and other times you didn't. "Hopefully he is there awaiting our arrival" 


My head was pounding, I wasn't sure where I was or even who I am. 

I couldn't remember a thing, all I could feel was immense regret. 

"Hello?" I called out, I wasn't sure if anyone in the darkness would reply. "W-who's there?" 

a dark chuckle rang through the empty room, chills ran down my spine. 

"Hello young Walker" the voice spoke, the voice was rich and deep. I could hear the vibrations of his vocal chords. "or should I say, Blue Ninja" 

'Walker? Blue Ninja?' with that thought horrific and suffocating pain rushed through my head along with memories of a Jay Walker. 

"I-I'm a ninja" I said, memories were slowly coming back to me. 

"Yes, you were" The voice continued. "But now you are one of us

"a son of Garmadon" 

A/N: Hey Guys! I am SO sorry I haven't updated this! I've been super busy and everything that's been going on has made my anxiety peak. I haven't been motivated to do anything except work and school, and that's only because I have to do them. I'm not going to promise to start writing more, because every time I do I end up never writing again XD 

So I will write when I'm in the mood or have an idea, but I DO promise I will try and be more motivated :) 

I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night/evening where ever you are, know you are loved and beautiful - Elizabeth <3

PS: If the POV's are odd/confusing it's because I wanted to try a more "mysterious" way of writing and so the POV's are Jay, Lloyd, Jay. if that wasn't clear, sorry! I tried to make it clear without saying the whole "Jay's Pov" "Lloyd's Pov" personally feel like it makes the book more disconnecting and feel like juvenile and unprofessional, I like to take my readers and fully emerge you in the story. So if you have any requests or tips let me know! I love trying new writing styles and all that jazz! 

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