Burning Love - ( Lloyd x Harumi ) pt. 2

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Prompt: "You lied to me, you poisoned me, you said you loved me"

Harumi. Harumi. Harumi. One name repeated itself in Lloyd's head. He was still recovering but he had no time, Harumi was burning the city down tonight. Lloyd gathered a small bag with water, granola bars, and some extra clothes. Jay and him had spent a long time devising a plan on how to trick Harumi. Lloyd had to go to the volcano his father lived in. It wasn't the smartest plan, but they didn't have any other choice. "Lloyd, please be careful" Nya asked hugging him, all the ninja had gathered to see Lloyd off. "Don't hesitate to call this time" Jay added. The others nodded adding in their own goodbyes, but Lloyd had started to zone off. He could feel his father's rage, this had happened a few times on the battlefield but he ignored it. This time it was stronger, and more evident. "Lloyd?" Zane asked snapping Lloyd back to reality. "I need to get going" Lloyd murmured throwing his bag over his shoulder. He was burning daylight. He quickly hopped on to a motorcycle that the Jay and Nya had provided him. He raced off on a rarely used backroad, leading directly to the volcanic lair.

Lloyd. Lloyd. Lloyd. One name repeated itself in Harumi's head. She really started to doubt her choices, joining Garmadon, killing her parents, stabbing Lloyd. She had done some really bad things, but at the end of the day she felt powerful. Every step she took towards that evil lair, she felt hope. Harumi truly thought that she could overthrow Garmadon one day, and her and Lloyd would be Emperor and Empress. There was only one problem in this entire scheme of hers, Lloyd was the disgusting Green Ninja. She felt like vomiting, how could someone so cute, kind, sweet, selfless, be the Green Ninja! She didn't want to admit it... but it made sense. Who else would risk their lives for Ninjago, she couldn't think of anyone else. Harumi threw her fist into a nearby tree, splitting its brittle bark. She screamed pulling at her hair, fate loved playing games with her. "How am I supposed to take over Ninjago and kill the Green Ninja, when I love him" She whispered, voicing her every doubt. She got a terrible, evil, amazing idea. "I'll kill the Green Ninja, and save him from himself"

Lloyd hiked up the dark volcano, it was only five hours until the city would burn. He wouldn't lie, he was nervous. Anyone who was visiting their Father who was an evil warlord, and his girlfriend who less than 24 hours ago stabbed him. Part of him said he was crazy, thinking he could defeat his father and vanquish the evil inside Harumi. But part of him said he could do this, he was the Green Ninja he could do this. He could do this. He kept saying it over and over again in his head. The sun had begun to set, leaving Lloyd to enjoy the orange and magenta sky by himself. The entrance to the lair was heavily guarded... not. Two crab generals stood in front of the entrance. Lloyd gingerly walked around them, as quiet as a mouse. Once inside he headed towards chanting, obvious signs of evil.

"My lord" Harumi bowed, dismissing the chanting generals. "I know the identity of the Green Ninja" She breathed, every word she spoke sent a deep feeling in her stomach. She just prayed this was the right choice. "Oh?" Lord Garmadon asked, sitting up straight in his throne. Harumi nodded, hiding her fear behind her mask. "He- um" She trailed, she took a deep breath. "He's your son, Lloyd Garmadon" She blurted out, that sinking feeling came back. Garmadon seemed intrigued. "I see this as an opportunity" He spoke, his voice dark and serious. Harumi nodded. "General H, I want you to destroy the Green ninja" Garmadon ordered, walking closer to the general. Harumi swallowed hard, she didn't want to disobey Garmadon. "Turn him into my next General L" Garmadon was now inches away from her. "Sir, he's more emotionally advanced than the average person" Harumi confessed, she knew Lloyd better than she knew herself... or so she thought. Garmadon put his hand around Harumi's throat, lifting her above his head. "He's just a man, he will fall" He said venom lacing his words. Harumi nodded, clawing at her throat for air "You will make sure of that" and with those last words spoken as he left the General on the floor, gasping for air.

It pained him to see her being treated like that, even if she was evil. Lloyd knew she could change, she surely couldn't be that evil. 'Focus' he scolded himself. This was a mission he could not fail. He of course was worried, hearing his Father speak about him that way. His father's words burned in his chest. "He's just a man, he will fall"  He was just a man, and he had let his team down multiple times. He just needed to convince Harumi to turn good, how hard could that be? 

"Rumi?" He whispered, his voice echoing through the empty hall. She whipped her head around,  eyes narrowing at the site. "Lloyd" her voice croaked, subconsciously giving away her emotions. He smiled, he'd never admit it to his team but she looked good in black. "What are you doing here?! I said leave the city! Not come here!" She exclaimed, her hands frantically running through her hair. "I-I came to help you, I know my Father is holding you against your will" He explained. She shook her head smirking. "No Lloyd, this is me" she twirled around, her dark aura surrounding her. His eyes widened, had he been wrong?  "N-no it can't be" He begged, tears running down his cheeks. "It is, but you can join me! Your Father will be pleased!" She explained walking towards him. "He'll promote me, give me more power! A-and you'll be by my side, together" She finished, she had him cornered. He shook his head, silent sobs slipping through his lips. He was wrong, and now he was in trouble. "Please Rumi, don't make me fight you" He pleaded, his heart breaking with every second. 

'Is he serious?  He'd rather fight me then have unlimited power?!' She thought furiously, how could he do this to her? She couldn't back down with her plan, Lord Garmadon said all she had to do was light the city on fire. She would be unstoppable, powers that rivaled the first spinjitzu master. 

If she knew he was lying to her, maybe the story would've ended differently, but sadly she was corrupt with a thirst for power. 

"Lloyd, I give you one more chance, join me or perish" She threatened, if it came to Lloyd or power, she had no choice. Lloyd inhaled, his destiny would finally be complete.. his Uncle always said his destiny was greater than this world. So he silently pushed the alarm button on his watch, as he drew his katana. The Ninja wouldn't make it in time to save him, but perhaps they could stop Garmadon in time. "Let's dance" He said, their katanas clashing. 

A/N: and that's that! So sorry it took me so long to finish this! I've been super busy and had SO many ideas for this. I could probably make another part for this if you guys wanted, I kinda left it on a cliffhanger XD 

Hope you all are having a good day/evening/night/whatever time it is for you XD 

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