A Ninja's Abuse Pt. 2

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Previously:  We were in the fight of our lives, hand to hand with Lord Garmadon. My whole body ached and I wanted nothing more than to have a warm bath. I threw my fist, but I overshot. Leaving me to stumble forward, right into the hands of Garmadon.

Jay's Pov 

I looked up, into the eyes of Garmadon. Cold sweat began to drip down my back. "Well hello little puppet" He smirked, his red eyes piercing into mine. He wrapped his hands around my throat, holding me above his head with ease. I was sure I heard my teammates cries over the intercom, but it was a blur. 

Tears pricked my eyes. 'At least my demise wasn't by the hands of my father' I joked. My throat burned with a fierce passion, endless fights with my father and sleepless nights of recording songs would do that to a guy. "Just make it quick" I whimpered, my pride was gone. for a small moment it seemed Garmadon's eyes softened, perhaps he did have a heart after all? "Woah, Blue Ninja... I thought the Green Ninja was a weirdo" He said, releasing his grip slightly. "But you're a freak. Must have one of those overbearing dads" He joked, his words adding extra sting to my wounds. "See that's why it's easier to leave when they're babies, keeps your kid from being a freak" He finished, finally snapping back to reality. 

He wasn't wrong,  I was a freak. I was a Ninja I was supposed to protect others, but I couldn't even protect myself. I was honestly ready for this to be over. "Just end me" I croaked, time seemed to be at a stand still. Garmadon laughed, throwing me to the ground.  I cried out as my back hit the cement, my wounds breaking open and soaking my gi with blood. "Woah, Blue Ninja that looks pretty nasty" Garmadon exclaimed shocked. "All I did was toss ya around, man you ninja are getting weaker everyday" He added. I curled into a ball, wishing my world away. 

After what felt like ages, Garmadon left. I was sure more happened but by the time I pried my hands off my eyes... he had called his shark army off. The others came rushing over, my pride was shot. "Are you okay?!" Cole asked, everyone crowded around unsure what to do. "I-I'm fine" I lied, forcing myself to sit up. "Ride back with me, we'll get you checked back home" Nya offered. If I wasn't wearing a mask I knew she'd see me blushing. I nodded, what other choice did I have? 

I hissed as Nya and Zane applied alcohol to my cuts. "How did you get these? My resources show these injuries do not match up with Garmadon's hold" Zane explained. I sheepishly looked at the ground, what was I supposed to say? "I don't know" I shrugged, I couldn't tell the truth. "Jay..." Nya trailed off, her eyes were rimmed with tears. I was beyond confused. "Zane will you leave us alone for a second?" She asked, grabbing a roll of bandages. Zane nodded, excusing himself from the room. 

"Jay I care about you" She explained, her hand resting on mine. My face flushed. "Please tell me the truth" She begged, tears begging to pour. I sighed, what else did I have to lose? My father would beat me no matter what. "S-So my name isn't Jay Walker..." I blurted out, my fingers rubbing together rapidly. "W-what?" She asked, astonished. "M-my name is James Gordon... Son of Cliff Gordon. I-I do prefer to go by Jay... but I had to have a different name to go to school" I explained, it did feel good to get off my chest. "O-okay...what else?" She asked, her voice was soft and barely above a whisper. "M-my dad gets mad at me... a lot. Sometimes h-he" I broke down, quiet sobs filled the room and I had no shame. "Oh Jay..." She was crying now too, she wrapped her arms around me. 

We sat there for hours, by the time we left the infirmary we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I told the others and now I only had one more secret to explain. "So your telling me Cliff Gordon the voice of an angel he...?" Kai asked, I had already explained three times, but I knew there was one more thing I needed to get off my chest. "Well.. you see my Dad doesn't actually sing" I confessed, sheepishly rubbing my neck. "Wha??" Lloyd asked, popping a jawbreaker in his mouth. I took a deep breath and did the one thing I did best... I sang. 

A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long! I wanted to take this one direction but honestly forgot where I was going with it! XD 

I hope you like this chapter even if it wasn't exactly an Angsty one shot... I wanted to have one that had a pretty happy ending... even if it was short. 

Hope y'all are having a good summer(Also my Birthday was last week and I got sick on my bday... so now that I'm better and older I'm ready to write more! XD)

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