I did NOT die for you | Kai x Reader

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Alternate Season 4 ( Sorry Kailor lovers )  


We were losing. It was easy to see. 

I looked around the battlefield, my teammates staggered against the wrath of Chen's army. We were no match for the Anacondrai. 

We had all suffered at Chen's island, my relationship with Kai was one of the sacrifices we made to get Zane back. Kai had started developing feelings for the Master of Amber, who ended up selling us to her father. I hated to say 'I told you so' but I tried to warn them. 

Kai and I had broken up after he kissed Skylor, he was nothing but a selfish asshole. The team had been in shambles Jay and Cole were talking, but neither would even look at Nya. Lloyd was well.. Lloyd. Kai and I weren't getting along, and then Zane my precious cinnamon roll adopted brother. 

"Y/N!" Kai yelled, breaking me out of my short daydream. He swiftly stepped in front of me, blocking an Anacondrai's blade with his own. 

I stumbled back, painfully aware of how close I was to losing my life. 

"T-thanks" I mumbled, stepping back into the fight. 

As Master of Healing I should've known to look for injuries when he shielded me, yet I didn't. 

Kai's Pov 

I sucked. I was the worst boyfriend ever! I let Skylor charm me with her magic. She explained to me that her Father had asked her to cause chaos, breaking our team apart. It soon became clear that she knew Y/N was standing by the door when she kissed me, it was all part of their plan. 

I turned around to see Y/N dazing into the distance, an Anacondrai warrior sneaking up behind her. 

All common sense went out the door as I ran in front of his blade. 

Of course that meant that instead of perfectly countering his attack, his blade lodged into my shoulder. I gasped as he yanked it out, bringing it down for another strike. 

My shoulder burned as I lifted my sword to counter. "Y/N!" I yelled, hoping she'd snap out of it. 

She stumbled back, her eyes jumping to mine as I held the warrior back. My shoulder felt like it was being ripped off, but I couldn't show weakness. I was known as the "Jock" or "Jerk" of the group. If I showed any sign of weakness I was sure Y/N wouldn't want me back. 

"T-thanks" She mumbled, drawing her blade.  I sighed in relief, I just had to hold out. 


We had done it, or Garmadon had done it. The ultimate sacrifice, self banishment. 

We had been fighting for an hour after I had been initially stabbed, my wounds had slowly traveled down my torso. 

I knew it probably wasn't a good sign that my bright red gi had turned crimson. But none of my teammates had noticed, and I was not going to be a wimp and ask for help. 

"We did it!" Cole cried, hugging Karlof. The others all started celebrating as well. 

I smiled watching Y/N dance around with the others, she was so beautiful when she smiled. 

My smiled turned to a frown, all the memories we had together was flowing through my head. Which now that I thought of it, was super foggy and had a horrific aching pain. 

'Perhaps this is what it is like to see your life flash before your eyes?' I thought to myself, Y/N was my whole world. If only I could make things right. 

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