Burning Love - ( Lloyd x Harumi ) pt. 1

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POV: Third person Pov

Show verse mixed with Move verse

Prompt: "Get out of the city tonight, I'm burning it down"

The fire singed the edges of her hair, she pressed on. The end of the Sons of Garamdon would not be on her hands. She knew it was bad, mixing work with pleasure. But she couldn't help it, she was in love with Lloyd Garmadon. Those pesky ninja were the only thing standing in her way. She would reign over Ninjago with Lloyd by her side, and the death of the green ninja would be celebrated. 

"Lloyd! Time for school!" Koko yelled. Lloyd covered his head with his pillow. "Not another day" he thought anxiously. Lloyd hated going to school, he was smart; a straight A student ahead of his grade. But even his teachers hated him. Everyday he walked through the halls piles of insults were flung at him. Idiot. Garamdork. Worthless. Sometimes he wished he hadn't woken up at all. "Lloyd!" his mother warned again; her tone impatient. Lloyd slowly drug himself to the bathroom. "Time to start another day of torture."  

Harumi was a quiet girl, she was the one who sat in the back of the class. No one talked to her, but no one quite hated her, they feared her. Not anything close to how they hated Lloyd. Lloyd now that's the only name that made her smile. Harumi lived a double life, quiet schoolgirl by day, evil warlord by night. Harumi was the leader of the feared Sons of Garmadons, led by Lloyd Garmadon's biological father, Lord Garmadon.

School ended early, Garmadon had staged another attack on Ninjago City. Lloyd rushed towards his locker to meet his friends, the secret ninja force. "Red Ninja, how's damage control?" Lloyd, the green ninja asked. The ninja quickly suited up and hopped in their mechs. "Looks like Garmadon hit downtown, hasn't made it to Borg Tower yet" Kai informed as they raced towards the city.

It wasn't long until they saw the destruction of Garmadon's army. Their mechs had been built for this, power coursing through their veins. "Jay, take the air. Kai, Cole, take downtown. Nya take the water fighters. And Zane follow me" I quickly gave my orders as we rushed Borg Tower. Another day in the life of the ninja, fight here, fight there, ending the day with small cuts and bruises. Once again they would take down Garmadon and his army. "This won't be the last you see of me!" Garmadon threatened as what remained of his army carried his ship away. Lloyd rolled his eyes, typical Dad. Lloyd surveyed what remained of the city, a yoga studio had been damaged, a bagel and donut shop were in ruins. But for the most part the city got away unscathed. "Good Job Lloyd!" Kai encouraged from the intercom, cheers from his teammates flowed through the intercom. Lloyd blocked it all out, something about the way his father sauntered off, he was planning something... and it was gonna be big. 

Harumi hummed as she walked through the corridor, it was no secret that she was the leader of the generals, far above any general number one. She wore a mask that covered all but her eyes, no one knew who she was, except she was deadly. "General H, how nice of you to finally join me" Lord Garmadon sarcastically remarked, his legs dangling over the side of his throne. The light from the lava was illuminating a harsh glow that only made her appearance more ominous. "My Lord I ask that I speak to you in private" She hissed, glaring at the Generals who stood around, awaiting their next order. Lord Garmadon nodded before waving away the generals. "I have discovered a new way to destroy the Ninja" She said her voice laced with venom. Oh how she hated those Ninja, especially their leader, the Green Ninja. She hated him so badly, she hated the way his confidence beamed, the way he never gave up, he never let anything tear him down. She hated how he stopped her Lord from taking over Ninjago, nothing would stand between her and Lloyd's happiness. She saw how it hurt Lloyd when the kids teased him at school, but if she was ruler she would make them all bow in his presence. "Oh? And how will I know it won't fail like every other time?!" He asked, slamming his hand on a big red button, sending some random general into the air. "Oh my Lord, it won't" She said, an evil glint in her eye. 

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