A Ninja's Abuse Pt. 1

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Movie and Show verse AU

Jay's Pov

I awoke to a large crashing sound, I shot out of bed. 'I overslept, and now Dad is going to be so mad' I thought as I grabbed my clothes that were hung out for me. I quickly ran a comb through my hair and added some gel to smooth my curls. My butler urged me to eat breakfast, but instead, I rushed to the recording studio. I was out of breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I threw open the doors to our private recording studio. "You're late!" My father exclaimed, throwing a metal chair into the wall. I grimaced, that was gonna leave a hole. "The recording producers are going to be here in fifteen minutes!" he screamed in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, it took everything in me not to vomit. "I-I can get it done in one take" I promised, quickly rushing into the recording booth.

You see, my father is the famous Cliff Gordon. He's known for his singing, his voice is "angel like" the critics say. His music has made himself a household name, scoring movies and record deals easily. But the truth was, my father couldn't sing to save his life. It all started when I was four, my father caught me singing nursery rhymes,he said it was the best voice he had ever heard. When I turned thirteen, my voice had finally hit puberty and was deeper... meaning when I sang it sounded like I was older. My father forced me to record a song for him, which he then submitted to a record label. The song went viral, my heart swelled with joy! I was so excited, they liked my voice, they really did! When I told my father he explained, he had submitted it as his voice. He threatened to throw me on the streets, or beat some sense into me. My father had been violent since my mother died, he blamed me. In some way, I understood it... my mother died giving birth to me. So in a way it was my fault.

"You'll always be my... baby" I sang, finishing my song. My father smirked behind the glass, He liked it. I let out a sigh of relief. As I left the recording booth the door to the studio opened, revealing My butler, Ed Walker. I smiled, Mr. Walker and his wife were the only one parental figures I really had. "Mr. Gordon, Dareth has arrived" Ed announced. Before my father could answer someone pushed Mr. Walker out of the way. "Cliff! Buddy! My Pal!" A man in a brown jumpsuit and orange sunglasses exclaimed, throwing his arms around my father's shoulders. "Woah, who's this?" The man stopped, lowering his glasses. "I-I'm Jay sir" I answered, my voice cracking. My father glared at me before turning back to the man with a smile. "Dareth, this is James, my son" He said gritting his teeth. I cringed inwardly, I always hated my name when I was six Edna(Mrs. Walker) called me her little Blue Jay, and ever since I've preferred to go by Jay. I was surprised he actually let me stay for the whole process, I watched as my father slid the track into the recording booth, and lip synced my song. I cringed, I watched as Dareth praised my father for my work. I rolled my eyes, I was going to be late for school. I silently exited the room as I rushed to meet the school bus a couple neighborhoods over. You might wonder how I was able to get there before the bus left, and why my butler wouldn't take me to school. My father refused to let me go to school, leaving Mr. Walker and Mrs. Walker to homeschool me. I finally talked my father into letting me enroll in high school my senior year, under the name Jay Walker. It had a nice ring to it, way better than James Gordon. and how I ran to the bus stop? Well I had to make it to a neighborhood that was more realistic for me to live in, meaning I had to run past three neighborhoods. Luckily I was the Master of Lightning, which enhanced my speed.

Once I was at school I quickly rushed to the bathroom to comb the gel out of my hair, wrapping an orange scarf around my neck. I always wear the scarf in case I needed to hide any bruises, it made it easier to wear all the time rather than explain why I wore it nearly every week. "Jay there you are!" Cole exclaimed, the group always waited for me at the front of school. "Heh sorry I overslept again" I lied, sheepishly rubbing my neck. Not long ago I joined a secret ninja force, protecting the city from Lloyd's dad. "Are you sure you're getting enough sleep? You have dark circles under your eyes" Zane pointed out, typically I wore concealer under my eyes but in the rush, I must've forgotten. "Uh yeah, I stayed up late playing video games" I lied, lying had become a bad habit of mine. If my friends really knew who I was they would freak, everything about me was a lie. "Did you hear? Cliff Gordon is releasing a new song tomorrow" Nya gushed, lately she had developed a liking to my father's music, which always kept the conversations interesting. "I know! His last song was literally so good!" Cole exclaimed. My entire friend group liked Cliff's music, which made me feel really bashful. "I don't know what you guys see in his music" I blurted out, all of their heads snapped in my direction. "Are you kidding dude? he literally has a voice of a saint!" Lloyd exclaimed, shoving a jolly rancher into his mouth. I played with the hem of my scarf, a nervous habit I had. "It just is kinda weird how his voice sounds so young, yet the man looks ancient!" Kai joked, oblivious to the fact he had discovered. Flashback  "What do you mean?!"My father asked storming up to me, I gasped as I ducked a book. "I-I don't want to do it anymore" I cried, singing was once my passion, my way of releasing stress. I was just tired of being his pawn. "Say it again" He hissed, wrapping his hands around my throat. I gasped, my vision was foggy and tears pricked my eyes. "I-I I don't wanna do it anymore" I choked. He threw me to the ground, kicking me with his steel toed boots. "You" Kick "Will" kick "never" kick "be" kick "anything" he finished, my back and ribs ached and I cried out. He walked away leaving me a sobbing mess on the ground. 'Some ninja you are' I thought. How was I supposed to go to school? Edna came over and helped clean me up, she was the only one who knew about this. She caught me trying to clean my own cuts once and I begged her not to tell anyone, she agreed as long as I let her clean me up after Flashback over I choked, gasping for air. "Oh my, dude are you okay?" Lloyd asked, patting me on my back, I whimpered pulling away. He didn't know my dad got mad at me last night, leaving large purple bruises on my back. "Yeah I'm fine! Let's head to class" I lied.

School had gone great, so naturally Garmadon decided to attack. Greatttttt. I rushed into my fighter jet, anxiety pulsed through my veins. My ribs burned after last nights fight, but I still had to fight. "Blue Ninja, take the sky fighters" Lloyd instructed. I dozed off, ignoring everyones assignments. I knew mine so I generally knew the plan. "Alright, Ninja-go!" Lloyd cried, the doors opened and that was my cue. Lloyd flew out on his dragon and I followed suit. I quickly raced after the sky fighters, forcing my energy into the jet. 'Faster, Faster, Faster' I told myself. I was exhausted, between my bones that I'm pretty sure were fractured, my two hours of sleep, and using my powers to fight. I was so tired I didn't seem to notice one of the fighters sneaking up behind me. "Jay behind you!" Nya's voice came in over the Intercom. Nya's water fighter came up and snatched the fighter into the water. "Pay attention Jay!" Lloyd reminded. I shook my head, I had to pay attention. "Guys I want to take another approach, drop off your mechs and meet me at these coordinates" Lloyd explained, sending a link to his coordinates. 

We were in the fight of our lives,  hand to hand with Lord Garmadon. My whole body ached and I wanted nothing more than to have a warm bath. I threw my fist, but I overshot. Leaving me to stumble forward, right into the hands of Garmadon.

A/N: So this is a bit different then my normal books, but I wanted to try writing a One Shot that wasn't about love XD  There will be mentions of Jaya later on so don't worry, I'm still the same ole Elizabeth lol 

Thank you guys so much for all your support! - Elizabeth 

If you have any requests for ships/prompts/or any other suggestion leave em in the comments below I'd love to hear it 

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