A/N: Clearing things up

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So I know's there is a lot of confusion so I decided to make this Author's Note to explain :)

Elise and I have been talking and we've decided to go our separate ways. It's been a year since we wrote a book together, we never could collaborate. So I decided to continue posting books on my own(Dark Prince, Dawn of a New Princess, Amnesia etc.) after about a year of this Elise and I officially have decided to disband our account, The_Miss_Es. But don't worry! I still LOVE writing and want to continue, so I'm rebranding this account. as The_Miss_E! I hope you all can support my decision to keep this account alive, because of this Elise decided she wanted to remove the stories she helped with(meaning The Illusionist, The Illusionist strikes again, and Cole and the Caves of Despair have been deleted)

I want to thank all of you for your constant support and comments, they're what's been keeping me motivated this whole time! Again I hope you can support my decision and I'm excited to see where this takes us!

- Elizabeth, The_Miss_E <3

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