Misfortunes Keep | Jay x Nya Mentioned

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Warnings: Torture Mentioned, Blood.

Nadakhan had returned, the ninja had let their guard down and they were now held captive on his ship; the misfortunes keep. 

This was all too familiar for Jay, he had spent what felt like a lifetime in Nadakhan's... care. So when Nadakhan's new recruits(replacing his "un loyal" past crew) came for Scrap N Tap he volunteered. 

"Aye, who shall it be for our game tonight" The pirate with a silver tooth asked. Immediately Jay's stomach churned, he knew what kind of... fun these pirates liked. The others assumed the games would not be necessarily... fun. "I'll do it" Jay volunteered, his voice wavering slightly.  He tried to be tough, he couldn't show his friends that he was scared. The only person who knew what all Jay when through was Nya, she helped calm him down when the nightmares struck. "No! I'll do it!" horrified, she protested. Of course this led to a string of everyone volunteering, the pirates grew restless. "Oi! I'm only taking one of ye" Another pirate spoke over the chaos. "I'll do it" Jay spoke again, his voice rising above the rest. With one last smile at the group, he was off. 

Hours had passed and Nya had been pacing the cell the entire time. "Nya, please sit down" Kai begged, the others weren't too pleased with the current situation either. "I-I can't Kai, th-they have him" She cried, no one had seen Nya so emotional. Of course now that the two were Yin & Yang they knew they'd be even more emotionally connected, but this was a surprise. "Nya, Jay's strong! He'll be fine" Lloyd reassured, they had all been through some rough fights and he knew Jay could hold his own with or without powers. "That's what you don't get Lloyd! He's too strong" She exclaimed, finally sitting next to her brother. The others rose an eyebrow, what did she mean by "too strong"? "They won't stop until he begs them too, when he breaks so far he can't return" She finally explained, her head in her hands. This made the group worried. 

Finally after six hours, Jay was thrown into the cell. As soon as his body hit the cement floor the others were up. "Oh when I'm free you won't see the light of day!" Kai seethed, Nya explained everything Jay had told her about his past events. She had promised to keep it a secret, but some secrets needed to be shared. "Are you okay?!" Nya asked, rushing to help Jay.  "I'm fine" Jay reassured, sitting up. He tried his best to stay strong, to hide the whip marks and gashes on his sides. "Are you sure?" Cole asked, they all knew Jay was stubborn. "I'm fine, really!" He exclaimed, standing up. 

Everyday the pirates would return, they'd ask for their next toy. Everyday a certain blue ninja died a little more inside. He'd continue to joke and reassure them that he was fine. But when the food stopped coming, and the games became more rough... casualties struck. 

"Argh!" He exclaimed, his body once again hitting the cement. Just like everyday his teammates would rush to aid him, begging him to stop. "C'mon! Please let me go instead!" Lloyd begged, but of course his pleads fell on deaf ears. Jay shook his head, whipping the blood off his lips. "I-i'm fine" He lied, it was obvious he wasn't. His Gi had been fully soaked in blood, torn open where he had been beaten and whipped multiple times. They'd ask to see his wounds, which of course he would ignore. He knew if they saw the broken flesh, blistering wounds, infected tissue... they wouldn't let him go. He had to be strong, he would not wish it all away. 

A month had now passed, or at least they assumed it had been a month. Food had slowly stopped and they were all getting irritable. So when the pirates offered a trade... Double beatings for food, they accepted. Slowly Jay had convinced him he was fine, what could one extra turn hurt? They knew it was wrong, but it was a small price to pay. Jay had brought the idea up himself, it wasn't as hard to convince the others as he had hoped, he learned it was easiest to stop talking. 

Once again he was thrown into the cell, but this time he didn't bounce up. "Jay?!" they called out, they'd rush for a pulse... they'd do CPR, they would try everything... but alas he had died long before. Maybe if they had paid closer attention they would've seen the signs, before it was too late. 

A/N: Thank you all for the support! Seriously your comments make my day! This one was inspired by a Pinterest prompt but I lost it 0-0

ANYWAY! I hope you all are enjoying these one shots and If you have any ship requests let me know! 

Requests are ALWAYS open for my stories and one shots, I love when you guys suggest prompts for me, so don't be shy to leave your comments! :) 

Hope you all have a great day/morning/evening/night! <3

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