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Flake had her eyes closed as she dropped into the pit of Lava below, swimming up the the top, giving the boys a sigh of relief. "A fire res arrow, smart." Dream heaved out under his breath. Flake pearled back to the cliff, and so did the other two girls. "That-" Flake grinned. "Was-" Mina followed. And all three at the same time, screamed "AMAZING!!" With giggles and laughs filling the nether.

"I'll take that." Dream says softly, taking the mask from the girl's hands. Then Sapnap claps once. "Alright, the nether's to dangerous for babies, through the portal we-"

"Last one there is in charge of Wilbur's stuff!" Zyra says suddenly, cutting off what Sapnap was about to say and alas the girls soon pass the three. Flake used a swiftness potion, Zyra kept pearling, and Mina placed and hopped on soul sand as her boots had soul speed III.

"After fighting, a race?! Do you guys ever get tired?" George grumbled and ran towards them. "It's a matter of great stamina Gogy, which you don't have. Your knees are probably weaker than my grandma's." Mina snickered at her own joke. Zyra was the first to get out of the portal, followed by Flake then her. Dream was the last one to get out. "Did I mention last one was also a rotten egg?" The pink-haired smirked and Sapnap laughed. "Now that's mean."

"I'm hungry." The blue-haired girl's stomach made some noise and she smiled guiltily. She took her bow and shot a sheep nearby to get some raw mutton that she could cook. "What's with the flaunting of my archery skills today?" Dream chuckled. "Can't I just do what I do best?" She tilted her head and ate the cooked mutton she got. "Not that I mind it." The green man shrugged.

"Aw I should've went 'Last one out tells Tommy he's an arse' cause that would've been interesting" Zyra huffed. Little did she know the devil has spoken.

"...Did you just say I'm an arse?!" Tommy yells behind the girl. "Hi Tommy!" The Pink-haired waves, the other hand signalling the other two girls. Mina shoots a slowness arrow and they all ditch. "..Now I'm wondering how these girls aren't tired yet" Dream sighs but grins, it's like their unstoppable together.

"I- need to get wool for a new bed" Sapnap mumbles and groans, looking around for a sheep while George laughs at the other, the slowed fellow just stopped trying and stayed there, curious of what happened.

"Guys the sun's setting!" Mina excitedly points out, climbing on a tree branch like they normally do. The other two girls follow up and like everyday's dusk, they watch the sun slowly set and reveal the starry sky. But something caught the youngest's attention. A light from a far distance. "Is that a van with- yellow and black walls- what-"

"And a hotdog mind you. The fuck is that?" Mina squinted her eyes, trying properly see the thing. "Who's- is someone living inside that?" She furrowed her eyebrows, curious what's with the sudden appearance of the structure. "Hmmmm- my hunch would be a hideout of drugs." Zyra nonchalantly says, munching on some bread. "D-drugs?" Mina and Flake looked at her in disbelief. "Why drugs?"

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