Lexie's POV 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: If you ever see a * in the chapters name, that means there will be smut in that chapter.

Today was my first day back at the BAU since last week because I went to visit my aunt in Seattle.

I looked at my phone to see Spencer calling me, he's has been my best friend for 2 years now "Hello?" "Hey, I was wondering if you still wanted me to pick you up for work." "Oh yeah, if you don't mind" "See you in 20"

I rushed to get ready so I wouldn't cause us to be late. I did my makeup, curled my hair, put on a button up shirt, and some skinny jeans. I slipped on my black work shoes and went to the couch while I waited for Spencer to get here. Then he texted me.

Spencer Reid: I'm here

Lexie Grey: okay, coming

I got in the car and sat down. Spencer seemed very happy and smily. "Well someone's happy today" "because it's your first day back to work in a whole week, aren't you excited?" "well yeah I'm excited but I'm not that cheery at 7am" "You've never been a morning person have you?" "No" "I can tell, so how's things going with your boyfriend" "what? What boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend I've told you a million times" He asks me at-least once a day if I have a boyfriend but being honest I've had a thing for Spencer for a long time. I just push down my feelings because I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Sure you don't" I rolled my eyes and sat there as he drove.

Spencer then asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah?" "You can't hold your eyes open, did you sleep at all last night?" "Y-yes" "don't lie" "I'm not lying I did get some sleep last night, just not enough" "You texted me and said you were going to bed at like 10:30 last night, you should have gotten some sleep" "I tried for two hours, just laying in the dark, but my thoughts wouldn't let me sleep" "what do you mean?"  "I tried to sleep but it's like my thoughts are screaming at me about this one thing and I can't stop thinking about it. Its almost every night for about a week now" "Why didn't you tell me sooner? We can talk about it if you want" "Oh I- um I don't really wanna talk about it, I'll manage it" "You can tell me anythi-" "I'm fine, don't worry about it"

Those thoughts, yeah they were about Spencer. And that's the whole reason why I can't talk about it to him. He doesn't like me like that. I've had a thing for Spencer since half a year into our friendship. Which yes is a year and a half but I manage to ignore my feelings. I never told him about it and don't plan to, I don't want to risk loosing him.

I then began daydreaming. What if he did like me like that? No that's not possible. He probably has a girlfriend and just hasn't told anyone about it. I'm in love with a man who doesn't even think of me as more than a friend. But that's how life goes right? Not everything goes the way you want it. But there's always that what if. Maybe he did like me? Ive tried profiling him a million times but he's like a wall.

His curly hair, his brown eyes, his hands, and the way he licks his lip when he's thinking, god he's so perfect.

I was pulled back to the present to Spencer calling my name "Lexie, Lexie wake up we're here" I flinched "oh yeah sorry um" "hey, are okay?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be" A tear fell from my cheek
to my shirt. I wasn't even crying it just fell out of nowhere. He looked at me and put a hand on my cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb. "Lex you can tell me anything" Except I couldn't tell him anything. I could for the most part but if I told him what I dreamed about our friendship would be over and I can't loose him. I'm friends with everyone on the team but they don't know me like Spencer does.  "it's nothing important if it was I would tell you I promise. I'm okay" "okay but if you ever need anything, you know I'm here" "I know thank you" He moved his hand from my cheek to his lap. He's never done that before. He's always been there for me but never made that much eye contact and the hand on the cheek? Maybe that's a sign.

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