Lexie's POV 3

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Today I woke up at 5 am because we had to be at the BAU by 7. When I woke up I got in the shower, brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed, and made breakfast. Before I knew it, it was 6:30. I rushed to get my shoes on and got my go bag ready. I texted Spencer to see if he was ready.

Lexie: Hey, just checking if you're awake

Spencer: Yeah I am I'll be there soon

Lexie: Okay

10 minutes later

Spencer: I'm here

Lexie: okay I'm coming

I came out of the house and got in the car, Spencer then stated, "Wanna make a bet?" "a bet? What kind of bet?" "on what gender we think the unsub is"
"Sure but I'll win" He looked at me slightly before looking back at the road and smirked "yeah sure" "I think the unsub is a man, based on what he does to the victims" "I think it's a woman who is transgender as a man." I looked confused "why so specific?" He said " well because no woman could do this type of thing but maybe they were abused by a husband or boyfriend as a girl and so she changed her gender to be a man so she could treat woman how he treated her" "Oh okay, what do we get if we win?" "if I win you have to go to a picnic with me and if you win I have to go to a drive in with you" I begged Spencer all the time to go to a drive in with me because it would be fun but he always said no and that he didn't understand why you would sit in your car and watch a movie when you could just watch it at home. Spencer always begs me to go on a picnic with him so we could sit there and read books all day but I always complain it's to hot out. "deal"

It was 6:57 when we got to the jet. Everyone was already there so basically we got there last but at least we weren't late.

Everyone got on the jet and sat down. JJ and Emily sat beside eachother, Morgan and Rossi sat beside eachother, and Hotch sat by himself. That left me and Spencer sitting beside eachother on the couch like always. We just sat there and then JJ spoke up. "okay everyone when we get there check into your hotel rooms and then meet back at the police station, we need to get all the files on this case" Everyone shook their heads basically saying okay. Spencer and I were sitting on the couch which you would think is comfortable but not gonna lie it's probably the most uncomfortable seat on the jet.

Spencer was to the left side of me so if I wanted I could lean back on him. His body was faced toward me so his back was faced against the chair arm. I turned around and leaned back on him. We cuddled or whatever all the time but nothing serious.

When I leaned back he put his arms around me and we sat there. I pulled my phone out and texted him.

Lexie: Am I hurting you?

Spencer: No your fine, why are you so warm jeez you feel like you just jumped in a fire

Lexie: I'm warm? I don't see how, I'm freezing haha

Spencer: They should really get some heaters in this thing haha, Can I tell you something?

Lexie: Yeah

Spencer: Yesterday when I first got to the BAU and I walked over to Morgan he assumed something

Lexie: and that was?

Spencer: he thought I liked you, like more than a friend. I told him we've only been just friends for two years now and I didn't feel that way, why would he ask think that

Lexie: I have no idea, well I'm gonna try to take a nap

Spencer: okay

we layed our phones down to sleep but I couldn't I just laid there with my eyes wide open.

I thought to myself: why would Morgan ask Spencer something like that? What if Morgan was right? What if Spencer did like me? But Spencer said he didn't feel that way. Maybe he was lying? No there's not way he likes me. It's been two years wouldn't he make a move? Okay enough with that I need sleep. I cuddled up to Spencer and closed my eyes.

We were woke up 15 minutes later by Morgan saying "come on Romeo and Juliet we have to go" Spencer and I got up not even realizing what he called us. Spencer said " how long were we out?" Morgan- "15 minutes but I was supposed to wake you up 5 minutes ago" "and why didn't you wake us up 5 minutes ago?" "You guys looked so peaceful and it was cute" Spencer smacked Morgan on the arm but not enough to hurt him.

"have you ever heard of best friends?" "I'm telling you Pretty Boy you guys are meant to be" Spencer just scoffed and walked away. I looked at Morgan and rolled my eyes at him. Everyone got off the jet and we went to check into the hotel rooms, there were two floors of rooms, everyone took the bottom rooms but Spencer and I took the top ones.

Little did everyone know the top ones were nicer. Spencer and I already had it planned out to get the top ones. We got rooms side by side and checked into them.

I sat down all my stuff on the bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My mascara was smeared, I guess because I slept on the jet, and my breath stinks. I washed my mouth and fixed my makeup and walked over to Spencer's room.

I knocked on the door. Spencer opened the door "hey, good thing we chose upstairs, these rooms are so much better than the ones down there"

I laughed "yeah, I still don't know how they haven't figured out that hotels always make the top ones nicer, can I come in?" "yeah" I looked around and said "Why's it smell so good in here? Did you get the luxury smelling room or something?" He laughed slightly "it was my clone I sprayed a minute ago" I wanted to talk to him about how I feel but I don't know if he will feel the same way.

What if it ruins things? You only live once right? "so um I-" he looked over "yes?" I stuttered "so uh you know how Morgan keeps assuming you like me and stuff" "yeah what about it" "well I-"

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