Spencer's POV 12

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Well here it is. Valentine's Day. I've been waiting all week for it, I have something special planned for Lexie and I, and honestly I can't wait. Its 2 pm right now and I'm supposed to pick Lexie up at 4 so I would have time to set everything up. I got up from the kitchen table and sat my coffee cup in the sink before walking to the bedroom to get dressed. I put on a white button up and a gray cardigan along with some black jeans. I did my hair *SEASON 13 HAIR!* and put on my shoes then went to my car. All the things I needed for the date were in the trunk so I had everything I needed.

My plan was to take her to the park where we first met, I remember we sat there and talked for what feels like forever before going to work the next day and finding out we were co-workers. Eventually I got to the park and I sat everything up. I threw out a blanket on the ground and sat a picnic basket onto it along with two glasses and some wine. Once everything was set up I went to pick up Lexie.



I'm so excited for what Spencer has planned for today. I don't really know what it is yet but I can't wait. He said he was picking me up at 4 pm sharp so I got up and got dressed quickly, did my hair, and natural makeup before walking out of the bathroom. I wore a white button up dress with some red heels. I went to the living room and sat down then the doorbell rang.

I walked up to it and there Spencer was, holding roses in his hand and looking handsome as always. "For you" he said with a huge smile on his face before handing me the roses. I brought them to my nose to smell them "they are beautiful thank you" I said before planting a small peck on his lips "your welcome my love, come on let's go" He held out his hand and walked me to the car then started driving.

"Will you tell me the plan?" "No, not yet my dear" I groaned as Spencer intertwined our fingers as he drove, resting our hands on my thigh. Twenty minutes later, there we were. The park where we first met. I waited as Spencer came and opened my door, holding my hand as he led me to the spot set up with a picnic. "Spencer Reid, you are immaculate." He flushed crimson, tugging me onto the blanket.

I sat down, crossed legged with Spencer, my right knee touching his left. We sat and ate, laughing and talking like always when he pulled me up to my feet. "I know I don't usually dance but I know you love this song" He tapped a button on his phone, playing (Beginning Middle End By Leah Nobel) He span me around in circles until I were dizzy, causing me to laugh until my lungs hurt and he had to stabilise me so I didn't fall on my ass.

Eventually the song ended, we were hugged up to eachother, my arms around his neck and his hands around my waist. He pulled away before saying "I want to ask you something, it's kind of a big step but I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now" "mhm" "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me. I know it's a big step but you are almost always at my pla-" I cut him off before he could finish, immediately kissing him before pulling away so I could speak, with a huge smile on my face.

"Oh my y-yes yes I'd love to move in with you" I squealed as I jumped into his arms and he span us around in circles. "God I love you so much Lexie" "I love you too, I'll need some help with packing though" "I'll help you, w-whenever your ready" "being honest, I'm ready now. I've had the thought of living with you for a while now. We are off work tomorrow so how about then?"

"That sounds great" We laid there pointing to the stars, talking, laughing, spilling random facts, until he sat up. "Let's go, I have one more thing planned for us" He helped me up and grabbed everything that was on the ground then walked me to his car before opening my door for me.

He went to his side and began driving. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise" He said as he entangled our fingers together. It was now 7pm so there wasn't much open for us to do but then he pulled into an empty parking lot and got out of the car. He went to the trunk and pulled something out but I couldn't see what it was. He went to my side of the car and opened my door before saying "follow me" We walked until we were in the middle of the parking lot, there were no cars around and it was pitch black outside. He pulled out a sky-lantern and a lighter. "Do you remember what these are?"

I walked over to it and put my hand on it as I examined it. "Yeah I did this at my highschool once, it's a sky-lantern right? You use them to make wishes" "yes you do" He pulled out a marker before saying "make a wish" I grabbed the marker from his hand and wrote on it. LG & SR with a heart around it. "That's not a wish" "what do you mean" "that's not a wish it's happening right now so it can't be a wish" "It can be a wish" "how" "I don't want us to end, e-ever so I put or initials with a heart to show I don't want us to end" "okay but I'm not leaving you, I won't leave you. I promise" "So do I"

We stood up and he lit the bottom of the lantern and we counted down before letting it go into the sky "3" "2" "1" We let go and watched it fly into the air. I leaned my head on his chest and put my arms around him. He kissed my head and span us around then grabbed his phone and pulled it out of his pocket. "What are you doing?" "I never want to forget this moment" He pulled out the camera and took a few pictures of us.

There we probably around 10 pictures he took, ones of us smiling, laughing, funny faces, and all sorts of different things. "Let me see them" He clicked on the pictures and swiped through them. "They're perfect" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Hey what are you doing!!" He never replied he just carried me back to the car. We were both dying laughing then he popped the trunk of the car and sat me in it.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion of what he was doing. He sat beside me and held my hand. "I like to sit back here ever so often, it's peaceful, quiet" "in the trunk of you car? Not judging but Spence your almost to tall for it" I said as I laughed "yeah well you can't say it's not nice" "whatever you say doctor" He laughed at the pet name and I leaned against his chest as I looked out of the car. He was right. It was very peaceful out here. Before I knew it I was fast asleep into his arms.

It was cold but I didn't care, he kept me warm. After about 20 minutes he woke me up. He whispered "Hey, let's go to the front seat and we can go back to your place so I can help you tomorrow, and we need sleep" I rubbed my eyes and got out of the trunk and went to the front seat. He closed the trunk and started driving back to my place.

"Goodnight, my love"

"Goodnight Baby, thank you for today"

"Your welcome"

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm very sorry for the people who wanted smut in this chapter but in my opinion it was a bit to romantic for this chapter. I promise I will add it in the next chapter and thank you so much for reading. Please feel free to add comments I love reading them!

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