Lexie's POV 13*

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Authors note: this is the longest chapter I've written so far in this book so sit back, relax, and grab some snacks! Also smut warning at: ********

I woke to birds chirping and the sunlight coming in through the curtain. I was still wrapped in Spencer's arms, my head on his chest and his hands around my waist. I dreamed about moving in with Spencer last night. It was sweet and made me smile whenever I thought about it. I can't believe today is the day.

I felt his arm move from my waist to my thigh, moving my leg to lie across his hip, indicating that he was awake. "Good morning" "Good morning, beautiful" "how'd you sleep?" "Great, you?" I looked up at him and placed a peck on his lips before saying "pretty good" "hey?!" "What?" "All I get is a little peck?" I smiled "sorry, I have morning breath" "I don't care" "well I do genius"

I rolled out of bed to go to the bathroom "where are you going? I wanna lay here a little longer" "We can I'm just brushing my teeth really quick" I looked back over at him and smiled before walking into the bathroom. I got some water and splashed my face then brushed my teeth. Once I finished I walked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed. I laid beside him and turned towards him. Now we were both facing one-another, just staring into each-others eyes.

I threw the cover back over me before saying "We should probably start packing soon" "yeah after I do one thing" "and that is?" He rolled over and got on top of me then placed a long passionate kiss on my lips. Our tongues were tangled and went to war in our locked mouths, battling madly for dominance. I placed my hands on the back of his neck trying to deepen the kiss. He moved the hair that was on my face behind my ear and placed his hand on my waist. He pulled away slowly and both of us were unable to open our eyes.

We rested our foreheads together for a moment then he said "now we can start packing"

We laughed and got up from the bed. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee while he stayed in the bedroom and got dressed. I poured two cups of coffee and sat them on the counter as I waited for Spencer to come to the kitchen. He walked in with his shirt over his head then pulled it down "need help there genius?" I laughed and he sat down at the table beside me. "You know what's crazy?" "What?" "We have been friends for 2 coming up on 3 years now and not once have I ever slept in your bed until now"

"Well you could have slept in my bed anytime before things happened between us but I don't think it's normal for best friends to sleep together before or if anything happens between them" "No I meant like since we've started dating" "oh, right. I don't know I guess we always end up at your house" we laughed and drank our coffee while we talked until we finished then sat the cups in the sink. "So how are we supposed to pack everything?" "What do you mean?" "Do you have anything to put your things in?" "I have a come boxes in the garage and we can just put my stuff in those"


We walked to the bedroom and began packing "Where do we start?" "Just pick a drawer and put the things that are in it in the boxes "that's it?" "Yeah?" "Oh, it seemed like it was going to be harder than that" We laughed and started packing. We pulled out drawers and sat the things from them into the empty boxes.

We got down to the last two drawers, the sweatshirts and pants drawers. I did the pants and Spencer did the sweatshirts. I continued packing then Spencer said "What the hell is this?" "What the hell is what?"

I turned around and looked at what he was talking about. He was holding my high-school cheer uniform from the ninth grade. I used to be really big into cheer but I just fell out of it at one point. "Oh- i- um that's my cheer uniform from highschool" It was a two piece outfit, a skirt, and top that was cut off the end at the top of my abdomen. "Why do you never wear this thing? It's hot" "I- no that doesn't fit me anymore and I have no reason to wear that" "try it on" He said while reaching it to me. "What? No- I'm not trying that on" "Oh come on, please?" "Why?" "I want to see what it looks like" "You can see it right here. See? That's what it looks like" I said while holding it up in the air.

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