Spencer's POV 14

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Authors note: I wrote this while I pulled an all-nighter so if anything sounds wrong it's because I was half asleep, also there are around 2-3 POV skips in this but it's labeled when it happens. PLAY SONG AT : *****

*alarm clock goes off* I groaned and turned off the alarm clock, luckily it didn't wake Lexie up. Her body was tangled up in mine, still peacefully sleeping. I kissed her forehead then slowly removed her arms from my body before quietly getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. My mind traveled back to the events from last night, I smiled before turning on the shower and walking back into the bedroom so the water could warm up.

I grabbed my clothes before walking back into the bathroom and stepping into the shower.

I put my face under the water to try and wake myself up, I hadn't got much sleep last night, only about 3 hours.

Authors note: time skip to when he's getting out of the shower because nobody wants to read the details of his shower lmao.

Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel to dry off.

Once I dried off I put on my clothes and did my hair. I was desperate for sleep, hopefully I'll get some on the jet.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked over at the beauty laying on my bed. She looked so peaceful, I smiled and walked over to her, placing a gentle peck on her lips before going to the kitchen.

I turned on some coffee, making two cups because Lexie has to go to the BAU in about two hours for paperwork day so she'll be up soon.

I walked over to the couch and turned on a documentary while I drank my coffee.

Finishing my coffee, I looked over at the clock, 5:30AM. I got up from the couch and walked back into the bedroom before grabbing my keys. I kissed Lexie before whispering "I'll be back before you know it baby" I didn't wanna wake her, it felt wrong. I'll just call her later.

I put on my shoes and walked out of the door to the car.


Once I got to the jet Hotch wasn't there yet. I checked my watch and it said 5:49AM, so he should be here in a few minutes.

Eventually, he pulled in. I got out of my car and we walked over to the jet. "Good morning, sir" "Good morning, Reid" We got on the jet and sat in front of each other.

"So we don't know where we are going?" "I know somewhat of where we are going but I don't know why" "Where is it?" "Seattle, Washington" "Oh"

I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable and rested my head on my hand.

"Long night?" "I- n-no sir just um didn't have my morning coffee yet" Hotch laughed to himself. What was funny?

Before I went to sleep I texted Lexie to check up on her

Spencer Reid: hey, sorry I didn't wake you before I left I thought I'd just let you sleep

Lexie Grey: it's fine, thanks for the coffee

Spencer Reid: your welcome, how are you feeling?

Lexie Grey: Exhausted, you?

Spencer Reid: so am I, when I sat down on the jet Hotch asked me, long night? and I told him I just didn't have my morning coffee yet and he laughed. Why would he laugh?

Lexie Grey: I don't know I mean the whole team has their suspicions, maybe he does too

Spencer Reid: true

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