Lexie's POV 8

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I woke up this morning before Spencer so I decided I would take a shower. I got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door leaving it unlocked because Spencer was asleep, then I grabbed a towel and sat it on the sink. I turned on the shower, while it warmed up I just sat there and looked at myself. I honestly look dead. My eye bags were big enough to fit a caterpillar in them. My hair was a mess and my mascara was smeared.

I took my hair out of a bun and undressed. Then I got in the shower and stood under the water. It took me a minute to adjust to the water because I went from freezing to hot very fast.

I looked around and Spencer had a decent selection of shampoo but it was all men's. I brought them up to my nose smelling them all and picked the one that smelled the most like a girl. I put it in my hand and began running it through my hair.

As I put it in my hair I started thinking. I thought what it would be like to come out to the team about dating him. What if they pretend they wanted us guys together but secretly thought it was an awful idea? I was kind of worried what they thought because they were my only real family. My dad became a drunk and died from an overdose and my mom it was complicated honestly. It sounds weird but she died of the hiccups. It's a long story.


I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and got some conditioner. Spencer only had one bottle but it smelled amazing. I only got a little bit out because there wasn't much in it and I know how much he needs his conditioner. I rubbed it at the ends of my hair and let it sit for a minute before washing it out. I washed my body then got out. I dried my hair with the towel but I realized I forgot my clothes in Spencer's room.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. My bag was in front of his closet so I bent down and began looking through it for clothes.

I picked out a pair of black leggings with a white matching bra and underwear set. I didn't have any tops that I wanted to wear right now so I went to Spencer's closet and took one of his sweatshirts. It was grey and said fbi on the front where the pocket would be and said Reid on the back.

I walked out of his closet with the clothes and my towel fell down. I hadn't even noticed it was loose and it just fell on the floor.

I went to pick it up and I looked over at Spencer to see if he was still sleeping AND HE WAS AWAKE AND STARING RIGHT AT ME. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING. My eyes widened and I gasped "O-oh my god S-spencer I'm s-so sorry I didn't know you were awake" He smirked slightly "No don't worry about it, I like this outfit better anyway." I laughed awkwardly and went into the bathroom and shut the door.

I got water from the sink and rubbed my face with it. What if he thought I did it on purpose? I mean I didn't even know he was awake. That's so humiliating. I put on the clothes and brushed my hair and then walked out.

Spencer wasn't in the room anymore. I assumed he was in the kitchen so I walked out of his room and went in there. He was cooking. Who knew Spencer Reid was a chef? He was cooking eggs and toast.  "Spence I really am sorry I didn't even know you were awake." He turned around and looked at me "Lex it's okay I promise don't worry about it, besides it was cute" We laughed awkwardly and he said "Nice sweatshirt by the way, love the last name on the back" I smiled and sat down on the chair that was in front of the island.

I sat there and watched him as he cooked. He looks hot in legit everything he does it should be illegal. The toast popped out and he put a piece in each plate and placed an egg on top.

He sat a plate down in front of me and one in front of the empty chair next to me. "Do you want a water?" "yeah that's fine" He walked to the fridge and poured me a glass of water and sat it on the counter. We started eating and then Spencer's phone began to ring. He looked at it and rolled his eyes slightly. 

He answered "Hello? Yea, yeah okay I'll let her know, no it's fine I can text her, okay see you in an hour, thanks Emily." I groaned "We have a case?"  "Yeah I'm sorry" "It's fine. I didn't bring work clothes with me though."  "Let me go get ready which won't take 10 minutes and then we can drive to your house so you can get ready." "okay"

He walked to the bedroom and began to roam through his closet. I finished my food and put the empty plate in the sink along with Spencer's and walked to the bedroom.

I grabbed my bag and got a hair tie along with my hair brush. I brushed my hair and put it into a low ponytail. Spencer came out of the closet with some black jeans and no shirt. "I like that shirt, where did you get it from?" He chuckled and grabbed a button up shirt with a tie along with a black short cardigan.

He put on everything besides his tie and said "Can you fix my tie? It looks better when you do it" but we both knew he was the best at fixing his tie.

"There you go but I still think you do it better" I pulled on the tie slightly and he said "Maybe but it's cute when you try" I playfully hit him in the shoulder and we laughed. He went into the bathroom and did his hair.

He came out and said "Are you ready to go to your house now?" "yeah" I grabbed my bag and put my hairbrush in it and then walked out of the room.

I put on my shoes I wore yesterday and so did Spencer. We walked out of the house into the car.

He started driving and said "So, the team" "Just act like we always did or at-least try" "I'll try but being 100% honestly I forgot how" "So did I but just don't act weird okay?" "Okay"

We got to my house and we walked in. I went up to my room while Spencer sat downstairs.

I walked into my closet and got a red v-neck long sleeve and some skinny jeans then went to the bathroom and got dressed. I did a little bit of makeup but nothing major and then walked downstairs. "How do expect me to act like everything is normal if you are going to dress like that?" I smiled  "Not my problem" I walked to the door and put on my black converse.  "I'm ready, we better hurry or we are going to be late" He smirked "Just like you said Not my problem"  "Nice try but it kind of is your problem because you work there too genius." We laughed then walked out of the door and got into his car.

I have a car but I don't like using it. Spencer said "I'm still not sure if I can act normal in front of the team" "You have to try Spence we said we would wait and it's only been two days since we've been together." "I know I'll try I promise."

We sat there in silence most of the way. It wasn't awkward though, it was comforting. I was still really tired but hopefully a coffee would wake me up.

We pulled into the parking lot of the BAU and then got out. We walked in and everyone was already at the conference table, it looked like they were waiting on us. I whispered to Spencer "I guess no time for coffee pretty boy" "nope" We walked into the conference room and everyone looked at us.

Authors note: I'm sorry if this chapter is cringy or whatever I just haven't updated in a while and I'm very sorry. I've been very busy with family issues and school. I decided I will do the case on the next chapter because this chapter is already 1600 words long. Thank you for reading my story so far. Let me know how you feel about it!

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