Lexie's POV 7

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Once we got to McDonald's we got out of the car and walked in. We stood in line and the cashier said "what would you like?" Spencer said "I'll just take a black coffee with extra sugar and a caramel macchiato for the lady" He knew I always got the same thing every time. We sat down at table with a booth sitting directly across from eachother. We just sat there looking out the window until they brought our coffee to us. A man walked over and said "A black coffee extra sugar and a Caramel macchiato" "thank you"

Spencer said starting the conversation "So um, our relationship." I was nervous to talk about it but I was ready. "yeah so first we need to get this out of the way. What do we do about the team?" "I think we should wait until like 2-3 weeks or whenever we feel ready to tell them." "Okay that sounds good, and what are you planning on in this relationship? Like do you want good old fashioned love and take it slow or rush it?" He furrowed his eyebrows slightly "In my opinion I wanna take it slow. I feel like if we rush things it won't work out. I say we take it slow. What about you?" "I agree." "Okay but we should have like 2 or 3 rules for our relationship though. Nothing crazy just somethings that are kind of important."
"and those are?"

"1. We don't let our relationship interfere with work.
2. If we were to break up we need to at least try to still be friends."

" Okay I think those are good, also when or if we turn this into a full on relationship are you comfortable going by boyfriend and girlfriend or?"

He grinned slightly "We can go by anything you want. As long as your comfortable with it I am"

"Okay, and the last thing from me. D-Do you expect to have se-sex on the first date or anything soon?"

He choked on his coffee and said "oh um I- well if we take it slow I think we should wait until we are both ready because I don't want it to be to soon and mess things up between us."

"Okay anything else you need to ask?"

"what if we did have sex and it messed up our entire relationship?"

I hadn't thought about that. "I guess we just forget about it if we have to"

"Okay I've asked all my questions" "I have too but where do we go from here?" "Well that was leading me to ask. Lexie, will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled ear to ear honestly hurting my cheeks  "Yes Spencer yes a million times yes." We both smiled and he picked me up and hugged me tight.

He said "So how about we go shopping now?" I smiled and grabbed his hand and we walked out. We got in his car and sat there with the radio on. He pulled into a parking lot and it was right in front of my favorite clothing store.  "thank you Spence" He said "your welcome princess,come on let's go inside" we walked in, I went over to the women's clothing section and started scrolling through the clothes.

Spencer was looking too and he found some weird stripper dress looking thing and said "How about this?" We laughed "yeah sure I'd wear that if I was going to a strippers party" He still didn't put it down he just sat across his arm. If he thought I was gonna wear that he was very much wrong.

I came across this white sweatshirt with gold embroidered writing on it. I held it up and looked at Spencer. "how about this? I think its cute" "yeah I like it" I sat it on my arm along with two pairs of jeans and a black crop top. 

"Let's go get you some clothes now" He furrowed his eyebrows "Me? I thought this was your day?" "No it's our day"

I walked over to the men's section and looked around. I found a white t-shirt and I paired it with a Jean jacket and some black jeans.

"Spence your outfits are very handsome don't get me wrong but we should try some new style on you" He laughed and then kept looking.

I found a black button up shirt with white dots on it and then a brown-ish cardigan and some blue jeans. I said "what about this?" "I might could wear that" I smiled and found a Snap-back on the shelf. I put it on his head backwards. "Now that's hot" We laughed, I took it off his head and put it in my arms.

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