Part 1: The Return

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1st January 2017:

James POV:

I am currently heading back to sodor, enjoying my journey through the mainland countryside. How i wished the era of steam had not ended on the mainland so soon. I had been working in London for a past two months and had gotten over my grudge and dislikes to all diesels, i even make some new friends! Anyways, i found out that not all diesels hate steam engines and want them scrapped. I havent seen my friends in a long time and have been excited when i am finally able to return home. Oh you might be wondering? What am i doing in London. Bear who was supposed to take the express to the mainland had failed and Gordon was still in the works being repaired, Henry was far too busy so the fat controller gave me the job to take the express to London. And while i was there, the controller had requested me to work on his railway for abit. Now i am approaching the first station before sodor, barrow- in- furness. Ah! I can finally see the bridge to sodor, i am almost home, i missed all my friends and cant wait to see them. As soon as i rolled across the bridge to sodor, i felt a weird tingling in my boiler but it soon stop after awhile, i was confused and didnt take much attention to it until i reach vicarstown, i nearly flew off my tracks when i saw what was in front of me. Henry coupled up to a goods train...well the body looks like henry but he had no face, he was motionless. What was most surpising was that his crew wasnt with him. The trucks look familiar too, they were the exact ones that Henry usually takes on his daily kipper run. But it was 3pm now and the kipper usually run 5am in the morning, how are they still here? Suddenly a heard a voice called out from inside the station building, "James is that you?". I turned and was shocked to see the Fat controller, Station Master and Henry crew safe and sound. "How are u not affected? I am so glad your safe" said the fat controller a bit confused. James was puzzled, "I dont know what your talking about sir?". Then Sir Topham explained, "A Few days ago, a weird thing happened, all the non faceless steam engines faces disappeared and some stop in the middle of tracks. The diesels strangely werent affected so thats why only some important jobs are still running. We were just discussing what happened and what we were going to do". "Well i dont know about you, but i dont feel anything and certainly dont feel like my face is going to disappear". said James still confused. The Fat controller continued, "Most of the steam engines have already been shunted back into the sheds by the diesels so we should go and see if maybe their faces have return since its quite weird yours, James, didnt disappear. I looked over at Henry, "Nope Henry is still the same". We soon decided that the Fat controller will come with me and my crew while Henry crew will stay and maybe Henry face will reappear soon? As we puffed out from vicarstown  station, James had a strange feeling that he was being watched by something or someone.

P.S: Sorry for the short chapter/part, i have been gone for a long time that i have forgotten how to write and had little idea. As for my other story, Sodor: The Final days will return soon(for real). This new book i write will be part of my new series(James the red engine adventures). I wanted it based on James since hes my fav ttte character and i dont want the main character to always be thomas. :/

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