Part 8: In the Early Days

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James POV:

The Last thing James remembered was a glowing blue light, a shocked expression on Diesel 10 Face and huge light explosion and afterwards he lost consciousness. Now he slowly open his eyes to see the bright sunlight blaring into his eyes as he found himself coming into consciousness, once his vision became clear, he realised that he was resting in a shed he thought was long replaced by the now Famous Tidmouth Sheds with the Turntable. This shed houses more engines and was not blocked by a Turntable. It immediately dawned upon James that he was now in the past, the machine had done its work. James glanced over at the other engines, some were still sleeping, some were waking up while some were preparing for their day's work, the Sun had barely risen above the horizon. The Engines Include: Neil, Claude, Matthew, Collin, Lily, Adam, Eagle/Winston, Alfred, Thomas, Edward, Henry(in his old shape) and Gordon. This was a long time ago when Collin, Adam, Claude & Matthew were still alive, and a few others still worked on Sodor.

(A little background on what happened to these engines in the future of this au!)

- As the Railway was undergoing a financial crisis, the Fat Director couldnt keep all of his engines and he couldnt even send some away. Hence the Railway Board Send Collin and Adam for Scrap, The Fat Director had no choice and didnt want to do it. It was said to be his biggest regret yet) Collin and Adam were scrapped in 1937 at the Wellsworth Scrapyards

- Neil is currently residing in a National Museum in New York, His Brothers, Claude & Matthew had been send to work elsewhere from Sodor in 1956, which was a dangerous power plant. A tragic fatal accident in the power plant destroyed and killed both engines and were scrapped in 1960s. Neil retired from service in 2010s, the Present time is 2017.

- Eagle was send to work in a Heritage Railway in 1960s, he still comes and help out Sodor from time to time

- Alfred(Different Alfred from my Other Au, this Alfred is good) was also sold to the bluebell railway in 1960 and still works there to this very day with Stepney and a few other bluebell engines.

- Lily, was originally due to be sold to work elsewhere in 1937 but the ship carrying Lily got into a accident and sunk, it was thought she died in the sinking. In 2001, divers discovered her still alive under water, most of her time asleep and rescued her. She was taken back to Sodor and reunited with her old friends and was restored completely in 2003, she worked on Sodor for a few more years and in 2007, she was bought by the Prime Minister of Sodor to be his Private Engine for travels to other countries.

"Good Morning James!" Said Thomas Cheerfully as the tank engine pop James right out of his thoughts. "Good Morning Thomas" smiled James, it was certainly weird one moment to see that Thomas was hanging up in the air by ropes, beatened up badly and scared looking to a cheerful clean Thomas. James prefers the Latter which is why hes here to stop Diesel 10 from completing his plan. He is definitely now 100% sure Diesel 10 and that pesky doctor has something to do with that purple cloud on Sodor that turned most engines faceless bar him and a few others. "Stop with your loud chatter" grumbled a still asleep Gordon, "Im a very important engine and i need more rest. I dont need little engines like you two interrupted me". Thomas scoffed, "Important my Bunker. We are all equal and just as important you Giant Blue Sasuage". This woke Gordon up who growled at Thomas, "Why you little brat". The two started arguing and bickering which made James sighed, Ahh the Good old Days, How James missed the simpler times, Well he hated WW2 but other than that, it had been quite peachy and calm compared to times right now when Steam Engines Lifes were still being threaten and new powerful technologies popping up. He looked over at Henry who was having trouble trying to build up steam which he did eventually but at a longer time due to his smaller firebox. Edward on the other hand looked a bit sad and James understood why, with the introduction of newer and stronger and faster steam engines, classes like Edward were being replaced and outranked by them. Edward, the once express engine was replaced by Gordon. Nowdays Edward usually just sleep in the shed doing nothing and is nothing but a "backup engine" James really do pity and sympathise with Edward and felt gulity all those times he called Edward names and "Bullied Him". "Whats Wrong Edward, Why are you looking a bit sad?" Asked James though he likely knew the answer. Edward sighed, "Well i feel like im not really useful anymore nor needed. I have been sitting in this shed for almost 99% of my time nowdays doing nothing, its like i have been forgotten and abadoned. Maybe The Fat Director should scrap me-". Edward was interrupted by James who argued, "Dont even think about that Edward! You are still very useful, You are one of the hardest working Engines on Sodor. You are always very kind and always willing to help your friends. The Fat Director will never scrap you, you still have a long life ahead. I am sure he will find a job for you soon and put you back in service. You are also the wisest engine i have ever known and i believe knowledge tops speed and strength". Edward felt touched by this, he never heard someone said this to him before and smiled, "Thank you James". James smiled back and said, "Np and Anyways Later, I have a passenger train to take from Knapford to Wellsworth Station. I want you to take it instead of me". Edward looked unsure at James, "You sure?". James smiled, "Of course, that will also show the Fat Director that you are still very useful and that he needs to bring you into setvice again!". Edward was very happy, "Thank you James! Your a very good friend".

A whole full day soon passed and James had even almost forgot that he was actually here to stop Diesel 10 plan and that he, in fact, should be somewhere on the island. It wasnt until Edward who came back from covering Henry's Duties after he had trouble building up steam(again). He had a mix expression of happiness and confusion. "Im glad you having a good day Eddie" James grinned as the cheerful number 2 backed down into the shed next to him. "Of course, I got to work the entire day and not stay up in the shed. Thanks to you James!" Beamed Edward. James noticed a strange expression on Edward Face and asked, "Whats wrong Edward? You seem a bit confused, was it something you saw earlier?". Edward grimaced, "Yes I did saw something quite unsual, Earlier i was waiting at Crosby with a Passenger Train when this engine? Flew pass me at a incredible speed, i barely caught a glimpse of it and it didnt really look like an engine but it was moving on the rails and had a boxy face and a strange giant scary looking claw on the top of its cab and the engine seemed to be swearing of something. Its all very weird, i have never seen an engine like them before". (This time we are in is 1925, theres no diesel engines at this point of time, they only started appearing across the globe in 1960s but existed since the 1950s) *Oh Crap I totally almost forgotten about Diesel 10* thought James. James decided to keep this from Edward and told him it was probably just a prototype engine on trial on sodor that was bulit different and likely was created with a shitty attitude. Edward took that as an explaination and soon forgotten about the sighting and the two started talking about their day which also included Thomas as he joined in after returning from work for the day. Soon all the engines but James had fell asleep, James knew what he has to do. He currently has no idea where Diesel 10 is at rn which means he might be executing his plan as James was in the shed. It was already quite concerning Edward had already "Encountered Diesel 10". He hoped he would be able to stop Diesel 10 and his plan and no one from this timeline of the past would be hurt as well as not having many engines encountering Diesel 10. A Hour has passed as James had decided it was safe to wait for at least an hour for the others to be "fully asleep" before he snuck out to try find Diesel 10 Hideout. James sighed as he looked into the night sky, "Here we go. May Lady give me the strength and wisdom and abilites to Stop Diesel 10 and his evil plan once and for all" And with that, James set out into the night, sneaking out to hunt down Diesel 10 and stop him once and for all before its too late....

To be Continued...

P.S: Couldnt sleep and had a few ideas and decided to write it all down into a new chapter/part XD. Well this chapter/part was kinda a "Filler Chapter/part" which explains why its kinda "boring" i guess Lol. Anyways First Chapter/Part in like forever. Glad to be back and hope i will stay motivated and stop being lazy and pump out more chapters/parts without like a 1 year gap between chapters/parts.

*IMPORTANT: Once again i have to stressed, this AU is completely seperated and different from my other AUS and is not part of them. This time is from the same au but of a different time as in the "Past". Also to clear up some things, the Purple Cloud created by Diesel 10, the Mad Scientist, Elliot and PT Boomer contributions do in fact turn Diesels Evil and against Steam Engines and gets control which in this case controlled by Diesel 10 and Diesel. So that means Diesels like: Daisy, Mavis, Boco, Paxton...etc is being controlled and turned Evil by the Purple Cloud and Diesel 10.*

**Have a Good Day ahead of Everyone who reached and read till the end of this chapter😊**

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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