I am Back

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Well...it certainly has been awhile since i released a chapter huh? (Yall probably shouldnt really trust me, since i usually end up not releasing a chapter as i promised XD)

Anyways, im back. I actually been here but its just that the last time i released a chapter, i kinda felt bored and somewhat "left the fandom" for a few months(or maybe a year idk)...i am only just recently gotten back to the fandom and interest over the stories i left off since the last time came back. So once again im going start writing and working on the next chapter/part of Sodor: the faceless curse, dont expect when the next chapter/part is out, i will release it when i get back into my "TTTE & writing mindset" :) Going need to brainstorm on what to write next and reread the chapters i had already release to know what im doing.

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