Part 6: Captured

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Molly POV:

Ok so we just woke up and there was already a huge ruckus being made. Apparently one of the soliders was a spy and had did as much damage as possible such as sabotaging the scientists work. He was only discovered last night by a night patroller, the traitor was attempting to sneak into the make shift tent that had all of the progress the scientists had made and destroyed them. That damm fellow had a knife on him and stabbed one of the other soliders while escaping, fortunately the injured guy is still alive. The traitor had managed to hijacked Atlas(The Military faceless engine) and fled the scene. Edward had been tasked to hunt down Atlas & the traitor but had gotten lost, we hope to find them today. Not all of us would go though, with Atlas gone, we needed an engine here on standby so they chose me. Edward had wanted to go to search so it was: Edward, James, Oliver & Toad

Oliver POV:

I coupled up to Toad and we set off with Edward going ahead of us. I overheard James asking him whether he had seen the other engines, Edward reply back that he didnt. As we made our way down the line, we noticed something smoking and a pile of scrap off the rails nearby. Upon closer inspection, it happened to be the remains of Atlas. Edward told us to keep moving and we will report to the General later of what happened to Atlas. At first we were planning to find Rebecca next but decided to head to Henry Forest to search for anyone or anything.

(Quick recap off the affected engines by the curse: Henry, Gordon, Percy, Toby, Donald, Douglas, Peter & Alice)

When we arrived, as expected, the forest was quiet with occassional wind blowing and leaves rustling. Edward suggested that we first check the station and then the timber yards. We agreed but we definitely did not expect to see something horrifying next. A body was laying next to the wall with blood flowing down the station wall and to the floor, the likely cause of death was due to a huge stab wound in the chest that pierce through the other side. His eyes were wide open but his mouth were shut tight, we recongised him as the station master. James exclaimed in shock, "What the Hell happened here? Who did this?". Fortunately likely due to the murderer stupidity, they forgotten to erase the cctv footage and we were able to see what had happened...


The Stationmaster paced back and forth impatiently, Murdoch was supposed to be here to drop off those new sapplings for the forest but he had yet to arrived. He was complemting of calling Sir Topham Hatt when he heard a horn and saw Diesel 10 pulling in with Murdoch behind him and the sapplings. The stationmaster sighed, "At least they are here now". He turned and frowned as he looked at Diesel 10, "What are you doing here? Didnt Sir Topham banished you from Sodor awhile back and-" Suddenly his eyes widen in shock as he felt a exploding feeling of pain in his stomach. He looked down to see a mad scientist grinning at him and a bloody knife in his hands, "Surprise! Anyways i prefer things to be quick and quiet. And unfortunately i cant let you spill the beans to fat hatt so i am sorry...well not sorry that it had to end this way". Elliot then gave him a sad look then started laughing as if mocking his soon demise. Struggling to stay awake, the stationmaster begged elliot, "Please dont kill me, i wont say a word". The scientist bend down and lifted the man head and smirked, "I apologise but i cannot trust one of the fat hatt workers. You will die one way of another. Its your fate after all". Before the stationmaster could say anything, Elliot started stabbing the man over and over again, plunging and removing the knife again and again all the while laughing like a psychopath. This was stopped when Keith and Diesel 10 didnt want to see the murder any longer. "Enough, hes dead, lets go, the sooner we done the plan the better. We dont want anyone to see us". Elliot sighed and kicked the corpse into the wall, "Fine whatever, you two are no fun" as he climb onboard Diesel 10. Murdoch had been one of the engines affected by the curse, they found him in the middle of the line near Henry Forest and took him along to the base.


The Humans all nearly wanted to puke from the disgusting and horrifying murder. James, Oliver & Toad were pale and speechless while Edward was furious, "Should have knew Diesel 10 had returned". James looked at Edward, "What should we do now?" The blue tender engine calmed himself down and said we should check the timber yard first before searching for their base which must be nearby. The timber yard wasnt that far, the engines did find someone thing or rather someone. All the sidings were empty except for one. Sitting on track was a faceless Nia but blocking her was Gordon, he wasnt facing us but then we noticed steam coming out from his funnel and we called out, "Gordon? Is that you?". Gordon said nothing as he slowly rolled backwards towards us...As he stopped next to us, he spoke, "Yes its me, Its Gordon". He suddenly opened his closed eyes revealing red pupils...something was off about him. It was like it was not Gordon at all! "Gordon?" Asked Oliver nervously, "What happened to you?". Gordon then blew his whistle and chuffing could be heard approaching them. Out came Henry, Thomas & Percy all with the same red eyes and had strange pink liquid all over them. It was then we realised these arent our friends. "Gordon" ordered, "Captured them, The Leader wants us to bring these engines back to him so he can punished them". Immediately, the engines sped off trying to escape from the red eyes engines. Thomas & Percy after Oliver & Toad, Henry after Edward & Gordon after James. Oliver and Toad managed to escape after suddenly breaking hard and letting Thomas & Percy crashed into each other while braking and derailed. Edward was about to outsmart Henry by taking a different route. James however wasnt that lucky as Gordon caught up to him and coupled up to him. James struggled to get free as Gordon pushed him to a siding. "James!" Yelled Edward horrified from in front. "Edward RUN! I will be alright!" Screamed James. You could see that the NWR No. 2 had wanted to help but when he saw "Henry" returning, he had no choice but to flee. Instead of chasing Edward, "Henry" came back to join "Gordon"
"Gordon" growled, "Knock him out so we can take him to the leader". A woman dressed completely in black climb up James boiler and poured him some liquid while two other men knocked out James crew and tied them up. James suddenly felt his vision get blurry as he struggled to stay awake..."Ah...n-no..uh......" groaned James as everything went dark.

Flashback(After Diesel told Diesel 10 what happened to Bear & the others)

"Grrrr i cant believe those fools failed me" growled Diesel 10 enraged. Elliot glanced at him from a machine, "I am not surprised, your little minions are all flawed and lack any IQ. Fools they are, deserved to be destroyed. Waste of metal trying to create them". Diesel 10 took in a deep breath, this man was getting on his nerves, however he couldnt do anything to him till the plan was completed so he got to suck it up. Elliot on the other hand smiled, "Well i had been working on something else to help us". Diesel 10 glared, "What is it scientist?". Elliot pointed to a machine connected to two glass chambers, each with one track in them. "What is it?" Asked Diesel 10 curiously, Elliot bragged, "Well this is Mirror5000! It can clone anything except a human and you can function how the clone work!". Keith stared at Elliot, "You better not be going crazy Elliot". The Scientist scowled, "No i am not, try it on one of those faceless engines". Diesel 10 had Diesel shunt the faceless Gordon onto one side as elliot flicked a switch. A massive white light blinded the group as it was activated. When it was over, one was still the faceless Gordon while other had a face but covered with pink liquid. The chamber with the pink liquid gordon opened and Elliot walk up to it, "Awaken!" He ordered before giving its boiler a slap. Immediately the engine's eyes opened revealing a pair of red eyes. Elliot glanced at Diesel 10 proudly, "See it works!". The cloned Gordon looked at Diesel 10 and replied, "Gordon is ready to serve the leader". Diesel 10 smiled, "Is there any ways to get rid of the red eyes & pink liquid?" Elliot sighed, "Not everything can be perfect and besides they are still better than your diesels. How i made it work? I took a bit of Lady Magic Dust of course!". Diesel 10 grinned as he realised what this meant for him, "Good! Create more! I want an army!" They were only able to create a clone Thomas, Percy & Henry before the traitor came running in. "Boss i believe those engines are coming to the forest". Diesel 10 grinned, "Excellent!
Lets put these clones to the test!". He looked at the Clone Gordon, "Captured those engines, do not kill them, just knock them out and bring them here. I want to punish them for destroying some of my diesels". The Clone replied, "It shall be done Leader". Clone Gordon and the others puffed out of the base to hunt down the engines...and that brings us to where the clones captured James....

To be continued...
(Back after a few months from the last part! Anyways a few more weeks till my internship ends and i can post another chapter/part during my 6 week break!)

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