Part 5: The one who saved us?

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James Pov:

Those damm diesels just wont know when to stop do they? Anyways me, Molly, Oliver & Toad were racing down the line towards Wellsworth station, the diesels were fast on our tail(well buffers in this case). "Dont run!" Yelled Bear with a sadistic chuckle, "Lets make it quick and painless for everyone shall we?". Molly yelled back, "Leave us alone you giant beast, go vack to the forest or something". The diesel ofc wasnt happy and they continued their pursuit. We got to lose them somehow but how? I thought. As we passed wellsworth, we suddenly saw a line of fuel tankers with no engines heading straight towards Dennis and Mavis on the left track(in the direction of crosby). We quickly noticed this and did a sudden surge of speed surprising the diesels who were more surprised to see the tankers heading for them. Dennis & Mavis tried reversing but it was too late. The tankers slammed into the two diesels causing a huge explosion that destroyed the station as well as sending the two charred diesels off the rails. The impact of the accident caused one of the middle track diesels, Boco to be caught by it but fortunately still alive just slightly burned and derailed. The diesel behind aka Daisy growled in annoyance seeing her path blocked. That left Diesel and Bear on the Right track. As Diesel watched The Steamies escape towards crosby, he growled, the plan to capture them failed again, Diesel 10 wasnt going be happy as he lost two more diesels. He ordered, "Bear go down the line and find those engines, once u find them keep in contact with us and dont let them see you, its the only way we will know where they are. I will report back to the boss and get some more help". Bear growled in his usual bear like voice, "Ofc diesel" as he sped down the line to trail the three escaping steamies and one breakvan. Diesel then look at Daisy, "Go get the breakdown crane from crovan gate and rerail boco, then take him to the works and then take the remains of mavis and dennis to the scrapyards". Daisy grumbled as usual, "Cant u do it diesel. I am worry too much work will ruin my beauty". Diesel patience was losing, "Shut up Daisy and do this or i will tell the boss". The female diesel rolled her eyes and headed back to crovan gate as Diesel took one last look at the direction the steamies had headed to and headed back the line towards the secret base.

Back to James Pov:

"I think we lost them" sighed oliver, looking back the line as we stopped for a rest at crosby. Suddenly, Molly interjected, "Have u guys forgotten something? Who send those tankers towards the diesels? Theres no hill beyond wellsworth in the direction of crosby and its most likely a engine had pushed them". Oliver added, "But how? Usually if a engine push some tankers on a flat track, it would stop almost immediately, how was it possible?". To our surprise, We heard a voice in front of us, "Molly, James, Oliver and toad. Its good to see you guys again" said a familiar voice. We turned and gasped as we see Edward rolling towards us, his paintwork was dirty. Behind him was a breakdown crane. "Edward thank god your alive and still awake" sighed Molly. The blue engine smiled warmly, "Well i am sure you would ask how am i not turned faceless. Same as you guys, slight tingling in the boiler than nothing". Suddenly, we could hear a diesel approaching. Edward frowned, "Come lets get to tidmouth, we should be safe there, i will explain everything to you guys there". We quickly sped down the line with edward and soon we reached Elsbridge. There were surprised to see a faceless unknown engine(Imma called it Alias). Next to the engine was a few more gunpowder wagons and a few military men. Edward explained, "When the military heard what happen, they had wanted to help since they are quite fond of us engines". After a few words exchanged, edward look at us, "C'mon lets go, they can easily dispatched that diesel". We didnt say anything as we continued following edward down the line. As we approached tidmouth we couldnt believe what we see. Tidmouth yards was completely barricaded by walls made of makeshift wood, stone..etc with some watch towers stationed. On top of them were a few watchers staring down the line for diesels. The whole entrance was controlled via the signalbox. When the signalman saw edward and his friends, he quickly opened the door to let them in. Once in, the engine gasped, countless trucks were shunted into sidings filled with ammo, gunpowder wagons and other essentials. They could also see worksmen and military soldiers walking up and down the line. Nearby we noticed a makeshift lab as people in white coats were doing strange experiments and nearby was a few faceless engines. I recongised them as Toby, Peter(Sodor heavy goods engine)Alice, Donald & Douglas. Edward noticed us looking and explained, "Those scientists have been trying to help us find a way to awake them but so far no success". We then noticed a man dressed differently than the other soldiers likely the general. "Ah edward you yave returned and i see you have returned with some of your friends". The general glazed at the engines but stopped when his eyes landed on the fat controller. "Topham! Good to see you!". The Fat controller smiled as he approached the general, "Ross! Same here!". The two started chatting and walk away likely with the general showing him around and telling him whats happening. "Edward can u now tell us whats happening?" Asked Molly impatiently. The blue engine widen his eyes, "oh yes ofc". This was what edward told us.....

The purple wave has just spreaded across the blue engine when he felt that tingling feeling in his boiler. When the wave was gone, Edward who had been resting at Wellsworth decided to head down the line to see what was wrong. He then saw Peter faceless at crosby with his long goods train behind him. Then suddenly, two mainland diesels approached him and attempted to trick him into following them. Fortunately edward was smart and fled from the diesels only to however have them chase him. And since edward was a old engine he couldnt go too fast so the diesels were gaining. As he passed elsbridge, a unknown faceless steamie, aka alias charged from a siding and knock the diesels on the side. The first one derailed and the second one derailed after hitting the first. Edward sighed in relief and was about to turned to thank the steam engine only to realise it was faceless. A man aka the general climbed down from Alias cab and introduced himself to edward. Afterwards a few exchange of words, they decided to head down the line towards tidmouth whereas they had set up base. Apparently, the fat controller knew about this whole ordeal. Since that day, Edward have been helping protect the base and been patrolling the area for any diesels. He had also been send on several scouting missions to bring back the faceless engines in the middle of the line and a few essential the scientists had requested for their experiments. Throughout this whole timeline, edward had also found rebecca unaffected by the purple wave. She currently is on a scouting mission at the little western branch line. Edward then explained how the tankers earlier was able to roll longer on its own was some device the scientists had created that allowed the tankers to move further than it could before on a flat tracks. Seeing our exhausted expressions, Edward decided to leave us to rest as he went somewhere likely to do some check with the soldiers. As he did, Alias the faceless engine rolled into the base with some trucks found at elsbridge, likely they had managed to dispatched the lone diesel. James then looked over at Oliver, Molly and Toad whom three had fell asleep after a exhausting long day. Darkness was soon enveloping james vision but he welcomed it after not being able to sleep for a few days.

To be continued...

P.S: Boring chapter/part i guess but it had been awhile since i wrote something and may have lost tracks of this book. Anyways enjoy >.<

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