Part 4: Diesel 10 Revenge

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Diesel 10 Pov:

Everything was going according to plan, Lady was in place of this weird technology that the crazy scientist certain would work. Well he better, if it doesnt, we all could be in trouble. We still dont know where fat hatt is. Lets just say if this foolish scientist aka Eliot fail, he failed both me and Pt boomer, i would personally rip him into pieces with my claw. Anyways, turns out the blue puffball, thomas was needed to help power the machine. I honestly dont know much abt technologies or scientist stuff but as long as it helps in my favour, i dont care. I also dont care about the pain that magical engine, Lady and blue puffball is enduring, i could hear their screams of anguish pain...ahhh it was like music to my ears. Tbh, my crew had tokd me when i first stole the powers from lady, i had changed alot but i dont see the difference. "How long till its ready" i growled at the scientist. Eliot sneered back at me, "Just chill D10, these things take time and i havent got a chance to try it out yet". I growled angrily, the sooner the machine is activated, the faster we can complete our plan. What is it may you ask...oh ho, its the most brilliant plan of all from my master. The Plan would eliminate and wipe out all of the steam engines from sodor in an instant. All we have to do is go back in time, to the early days of sodor wheres theres only Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon and James and take them out. Once their gone, The rest would never likely come to sodor, and with the destruction we plan to cause there, would be so great that the first fat hatt would resign which means the other sodor steamies would never arrive. Maybe more steam engines will arrive to replace but not for long, the new controller will most definitely replaced those outdated steamies when modernisation arrives. Its was amazing and whats better is, when we return back to this timeline, all the steam engines on sodor would be gone! Why? Cause changing the past will change the future. Even better, there will be no railway series books for the children, i was happy, i despise that childish book and i hate those happy dovey children as well. I could imagine what it would be like if we managed to pull out the plan successfully, it was delicious, i chuckled. What a amazing idea my master had thought off, and i will see to it that it shall be completed. Suddenly while i was in my daydream, Diesel burst into the Laboratory looking a bit worried and scared. I glared at him with such anger that he back out a bit in fear, "Why did u burst into the Laboratory like some wild animal? And arent you suppose to look for the fat hatt, what are u doing here?". Diesel cowered, "Boss, i may have something u want to hear about". I glared at him, "What is it? Speak!". The Sleek black diesel replied, " Well boss, i was out searching for the fatty as you asked but i did find him and a few others as well and something u may not like". I narrowed my eyes, "What is it diesel, if this turns out to be a lie, and your just annoying me, i wont hesitate to kill you myself". Diesel gulped, "The fatty was spotted in the red engine, James. I believe he had been on the mainland when you release that purple smoke over sodor. However like that green gwr engine and his breakvan, they didnt turn faceless. Whats worst, is that they managed to find Oliver and Toad which btw, still hadnt got destroyed by Arry, Bert and Paxton. They rescue the two and defeated those 3 fools". Lets just say i didnt take this well and you can see fire burning in my eyes, "WHAT? I TOLD THOSE THREE IDIOTS TO DESTROY THE STEAM ENGINE? WHY DIDNT THEY? GRRR, THEY FAIL ME, FIND THEM AND BRING THEM TO ME? AND HOW COULD THOSE THREE LET SOME STEAMPOTS DEFEAT THEM?". Diesel looked nervously, "I dont think its possible sire". I shot daggers at the diesel, "What you mean?". "Well Paxton was shoved into the tanker, destroying him and the shed. Arry and bert were unconscious nearby but derailed. The shed soon exploded into flames and melted the diesels alive, i believe they are likely dead". I growled, "Pfff, those three idiots. I dont care, they were stupid enough to be caught off guard, they deserve to die". I move towards diesel and spoke angrily, "The fat hatt and the remaining engines can not find out where are we, most likely they found out i was behind the faceless curse. I am giving you some control on some of the diesels, i want you to find those four and destroyed them. The master plan cannot be ruined. Understood?". Diesel smiled, "Its my pleasure boss and dont worry i wont fail like the three idiots". I scowled, "You better because failure will not be tolerated". Diesel 10 then let out a horn and immediately Daisy, Mavis, Boco, Bear and Dennis rolled up next to him. "Argh finally, is there some more steamies? I am getting tired, i wanna see them melted" growled Mavis, "Oh just hearing their screams make me happy" added Boco, "Eww i dont want to get my buffers dirty, the four of you just have to do the job. Besides i am a Queen, i am too classy for those steamies" boasted Daisy. I rolled my eyes as i watched those six diesels rolled out of the Laboratory, i hope they will succeed but i must be prepared, i cannot let my guard down or be too overconfident, thats what happens to villians everytime. I glanced at a nearby wall where a photo of my late master, pt boomer was hanged on the wall. "Master, i promised, i will succeed the plan, those steamies and fatty wont ruin our plan. I will make sure of that myself if i have to". I growled.

James Pov:

Okay so, we just rescue Oliver and Toad and headed down the line and eventually came to Maron station. We were surprise to find Molly trapped behind two diesels, D261 and D199, two diesels that have been on the island before. They saw us and immediately chase us, fortunately they were fools as they raced down the bend down Gordon's hill at a incredible speed. Their size made it difficult for them around tight bends especially at high speeds. They derailed at the bottom and the fat controller went up to them and demanded them to answer our questions. However, they proved to know nothing so he just knock them out we a large pipe to the face. Once that was done with, we headed back to Molly to see if she was alright. Her story was similar to Oliver except she had been at knapford station at the time. When the smoke came across sodor, she didnt changed but many engines did. Seemingly it didnt help talking to those faceless engines, She decided to try find help of get off the island. When she arrived at maron, it was getting late so she decided to stay here. When she woke up and tried to leave, she was immediately trapped by the two diesels. Her crew was then beaten up and tied in the station buildings. After that, things went black as the next thing she remember was waking up behind D261 and D199. She also told us that one of the diesel driver had pour something into her system making her go out cold. She was also surprised to see me and oliver and toad not turned. Molly had the same reply, strange tingling at first then nothing. As we were explaining the whole ordeal to molly, we hear a diesel engine and a voice, "Well well well look what we have here, Blondie, A Toad, A Red Ugly Monster and A Green Olive oil and how could i forget the fat pig" chuckled diesel as he and the gang rolled up into sight. I growled at them, "What do you want?". He smirked, "I know you are trying to stop diesel 10 plan but you will never. You may have dispatch the other three fools but you will never get pass us!". He looked at his fellow diesels and yelled, "Attack them and once we captured them, take them to the scrapyard and take them off piece by piece!". I gulped nervously as i glanced at the approaching wave of diesels, there was more of them now....and there was no way out......

To be continued...

(P.S: Sry if this part is a bit boring or not like the previous parts but the next part will definitely be better than this one...Thxs all for reading >.<)

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