Part 7: In the Hideout

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~~~Where did we last left off at? Ah yes, A Quick recap, James, the Number 5 engine of Sodor was Captured by Diesel 10 newly created clones that looks like his friends. Fortunately Edward & Oliver was able to escape Captive, But lets take a look at what happened after James was knocked out ~~~

James Pov:

James groaned in pain after he was somehow knocked out, his boiler hurts quite a bit from it. Slowly he regained his vision and found himself in an unfamiliar place. The place around was completely white saved for the cameras in the corners, the rails he sat on and a huge door in front of him. James realised that he had been captured and was in some sort of room he had no idea where he was, the last he remembered was in Henry's Forest. As James was busy thinking what happened after he was knocked out, he heard a familiar voice, it was someone him and sth had been looking for. "Well well well i see the rusted red scrap iron has waken up. How did you enjoy your time in your dreamland?" James looked up to see Diesel 10 right in front of him. "Diesel 10" growled James, "I knew you have something to do with the things happening on the island". Diesel 10 looked smugly at him, "And what will you do about it? Stop me? Ha! Your remaining friends abandoned you!". James was furious, "My friends will never....Not as if you actually have any real friends, your diesel pals are just pretending!". Diesel 10 lost his patience and gave James a bump pushing him backwards. Immediately Diesel 10 driver, Keith jumped down with a syringe and injected it into James face. "OW! That Hurts!" Complained James. The red engine was confused the two looking eagerly at him as if something was going to happened. After 5 mins, their faces turned to disappointment as nothing happened. "UGH Fail again" grumbled Diesel 10. James smirked, "What do you think was going happened? Make my paintwork pink?". Diesel 10 stared, "Fine i will show you". The Diesel then ordered two small mainland diesels to coupled up to James, one at the front and the other at the back. Once they coupled, the door in front opened revealing that James was in a huge hallway. The Red Engine asked, "Where is this place?". Diesel 10 sneered, "As if i will tell a stinky teapot". James snorted as they continue down the hallway passing by several rooms. He noticed in each rooms its similar to his and some had faceless engines in them. He recongised some of them as Billy, Charlie & a few others. He also noticed a few strange men doing experiments to some of them. "What are you doing to my friends" yelled James. The Diesels ignored him and kept going. They soon reach a room before the main lab and opened the door to revealed Duck. "See this great western quacker?" Asked Diesel 10 with a smirk, "He was just like you, Never got affected by my purple cloud, Caught him trying to race pass the forest earlier, only this time he was the first we used a syringe with the same substance in the purple cloud but stronger and it worked! For some reason though, it didnt worked on you. Might be due to you being a tender engine but oh well, my army is working on creating a stronger one. You will join your turned friends one way or another".
Closing the door, The Diesels continued forward and reach the main lab with the strange machine. Several turned Engines were placed in chambers: Henry, Gordon, Percy. On the far end of the room were the clones and a few diesels: Diesel, Bear  & Daisy. A strange scientist man walked up to Diesel 10, "So this is the Engine who you spoke of, interesting". James glared, "Who are you?". The man introduced, "I am Elliot, A friend of Pt Boomer and his creation, Diesel 10. I am here to carry out PT Boomer final wishes before his death and will see to it to be completed". James looked around the room and was shocked to see an unconscious Lady connected to the machine as well as Thomas who was awake but badly bruised and cut, he was being hang from the roof and strange wires were attached to his body. "Thomas! Lady! What did you bastards did to my friends!". Yelled James filled with rage. Elliot smiled, "Oooo Fiesty, Well simply to put it, they are needed to complete the ultimate plan to take over Sodor".The Red Engine looked Curious, "What plans?". Diesel 10 glared at the scientist, "Dont you dare tell him! We cannot tell to one of the fatty engines!". Elliot ignored him, "He cant escape, i dont see the point of not telling him". After the scientist explained everything to James, his face fell and shouted, "You cant do that!". Elliot turned his back, "We will and no one will stop us, Fate has already been choosen. Your final days are near". Just as things couldnt get worst, One of Elliot Scientist worker walked up to him, "Sir, i bring good news! The machine is ready". James face fell and Diesel 10 and Elliot face lighted up. Elliot laughed, "Yes its almost complete, Boomer revenge will be completed!". James was place in a side as he watched helpless as Diesel 10 headed for the Machine. Elliot smiled, "Its indeed already. Alright Diesel 10, just stay on this platform, we will soon bring you to the past". Diesel 10 chuckled and stared at James, "Whats wrong James? Defeated?". The Red Engine said nothing, he knew the past engines would not know whats coming and once Diesel 10 completes the plan there, the present engines would ceased to exist. He watched as the Machine was about to ve activated when one of Diesels guarding the main hideout doors came charging in. Diesel 10 growled, "What is the meaning of this?" The Diesel guard panicked, "Boss! We got bad news, the Army is coming! One of the Teapots who escaped spotted us and told the Army! We are under attack!". Just then the front door was blown opened revealing the military and the engines: Rebecca, Edward, Oliver, Molly as well as the Man himself, Sir Topham Hatt. Sth saw James and yelled, "Dont worry James we will save you!". Soon chaos errupted as the scientists, boomer men and the Army clashed. Boomer men and the scientists had weapons too so it was a intense battle. Guns were fired, Screams and Shouts could be heard as Bodies fell. The Remaining Diesels and the clones charged at the Steam Engines. Amongst the clones, he noticed one that is Duck and Thomas, they werent there when James was Captured, those two must have been the newly cloned ones. He also noticed a few engines he didnt recongised, they must have been borrowed from BR to combat the threat. "Thank Goodness you alright James". The Red Engine saw Edward rushing towards him relief. "Edward i am glad you and oliver escaped but how did you find me?". Edward explained, "After you got captured, i couldnt just leave you behind so i quietly followed you guys and led me to your captive base. Immediately i headed back to the base and told everyone of it.". James sputtered, "Edward, the machine!". Edward stared, "I know, i overheard Diesel 10 talking about it outside the base". Suddenly to both of their horror, they watched as Diesel came charging towards them with a Sharp Drill, "Diesel 10 plans cannot be interrupted! If you have to Die, you will!". Just as it was about to reach James, Edward charged forward and pushed James out of the way causing Edward Boiler to get a huge cut from the front to the back exposing the insides and steam to come out(No, Engines dont have organs or blood, just to Clarrified!) Edward screamed in pain as the Drill was remove and was about to hit his face when Oliver came out of nowhere and smashed Diesel and his Drill off the rails. "Get away from my friends!" Oliver and Toad were shocked at Edward condition as James looked at the weak and nearly unconscious Edward, "Edward! You will be alright! Hold on!". Edward weakly spoke, "James the Machine!". James stared at it, the Machine was at 95% and Diesel 10 stared at them and laughed, "Goodbye Idiots!" Edward groaned in pain, "Go stop him James!". The Red Engine looked at the blue engine concerned, "But What About you Edward?". Edward coughed, "I will be fine". Oliver added, "We will take care of Edward." James agreed and charged towards the Platform which the screen next to the machine showed 97%. As James approached the Machine, A Diesel came forward to tried stop James but was knock off the rails from the red engine. The Machine soon reach 100% as James slammed into Diesel 10 which were surprise and shocked. "Things arent going be that easy you rotten Diesel!" Suddenly a blue beam from the Machine Hit Diesel 10 and James and they Disappeared from the Hideout.

To Be Continued...

(P.S: I would say the Story is about 50% completed or more, i might plan to add more into the story if i want to. Also in case you guys didnt see it, Engines will NOT have blood or Organs! Anyways once this story is done, i will jump back to my other incomplete story, Sodor the Final Days and Finished it as well. Afterwards i have plans for new Stories or Sequels)

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