Part 3: Clash of The Engines

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Diesel 10 Pov:

We arrived at Knapford Station after a long journey from the mainland. Pulling behind me was a flatbed, on it, was none other than the magical engine, Lady. Whom was badly beaten up and was chained up and some sticky wrap around her mouth. "I hope your feeling comfortable dear" I smirked. She tried to say something but it was just pure muffle. I chuckled as i looked at my driver, dressed in all black.(Keith is Diesel 10 driver). "Where is the man we are suppose to meet?" I asked. My driver looked at his phone, "We are here early, he should be here soon". I looked back at lady and chuckled again, No one would be able to stop us, its inevitable. Sodor would soon change from the island that we once love and know. I was still mad after i was defeated years ago by those stinky steamies. Because of them, my master, PT boomer was arrested and given the death sentence. This was part of his and my revenge anyways so i would care less about the sodor engines. Soon a well dressed man that look like a scientist with glasses approached us, he had this crazed look in his eyes. "Hello there, you must be the people i am helping. I am honored to finally be meeting my best friend creation, i am Eliot, Obviously the best scientist in the world, i can do anything" he bragged. He glance at Lady and had a evil smile, "I see u brought her...Good, we shall get to work soon, Follow me". He hoped onto some sort of car? But it runs on rails towards the direction of Henry forest, before switching onto a set of tracks leading further into the forest. We soon approached a massive laboratory and entered it . "Welcome to my Laboratory! The Fat Hatt did not see this and was all according to plan!". We looked around and could see quite a number of modern looking technology and science stuff everywhere. What caught our eyes though was a couple faceless engines behind some forcefield. I recongised them, One was a Large blue tender engine , another was a large green then a green saddle tank, all of them were faceless. However, those three didnt interest me, one did, the one chained and floating in the air, boiler and sides dented and bashed. His eyes bruised and looking sad, it was thomas. Surprisingly, he still has a face unlike the others. "I kept this one 'awake' because he is one of the important pieces, and i know you have a bad history with him so you might want to deal with him yourself" eliot explained. "Quickly, lets not waste any more time, place the magic engine in the middle of this device and the process will start". I smirked, "Very soon, Very soon". I was confident no one would be able to stop us.

James POV:

We headed down the line after the encounter with the Duke & Duchess, they had pretty much gave us the info of who might be responsible of the 'curse'. Currently, we are still formulating a plan on how to stop Diesel 10 and how to rescue Lady. Kildane station was up ahead and we decided to look for any one(engines or humans). Unfortunely the station was deserted and a once non faceless engine stood next to the platform without a face, we recongised it as Emily. Suddenly we hear some commotion going on nearby and decided to check it out, careful not to make any sound. We soon found out what it was about, three diesels(Paxton, Arry & Bert) surrounded a steam engine(Oliver & Toad) who both looked terrified. Next to them were some fuel tankers. "We got to save them" i said to the fat controller who agreed. Suddenly, we knock a truck forward that caught the attention of the diesels who went to investigate. We quickly race towards oliver and toad who looked surprise to see us. We told them to keep quiet as we found his crew tied up next to them. Fortunately he still had coal and was steaming up. Just as we were about to make our getaway, the diesels return and saw us. "Hey!" Yelled Arry. "I see the red pile of scrap saved the olive oil and his trusted rusted metal trash..." sneered Paxton. "Get them!" Yelled Bert as they charged towards the three. Bert clashed into oliver while paxton and arry into james. All of them were in a fierce battle of tug of war, James knew they had to be careful and not get caught off guard. "How are you not turned? You must be the same as olive oil" snarled Arry. James just smirked as he saw the fat controller jumped out and flick a switch towards a siding. Saving the strength from earlier, he gave a huge push, surprising both and towards some buffers. Arry had managed to derail but Paxton stayed on. "How dare you!" Barked Paxton as he shoved James backwards. He nearly smashed into the fuel tankers. That was close, have to be more careful, thought james. Paxton smirked as he drew closer, "i wouldnt move if i was you". James glared at the diesel, "What you mean?". Paxton hissed, "One slight touch of that tanker will explode. Move and i will shove you into it". What Paxton didnt noticed was that oliver had defeated bert and was sneaking up to him. Oliver gave james a look which basically say "Move". James smiled. "What you laughing at?" Growled Paxton. James said nothing as he suddenly push paxton forward before switching tracks to get out of the way. Paxton was confused but before he could say anything, he felt something hard hit him from behind. "Goodbye pal" smiled oliver as he was heading fast towards the tankers. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed paxton as he collided into the tankers causing them to explode. Both james , toad and oliver sighed in relief as they watched the remains of the shed an Diesel go up in flames. Arry was still on his side by the siding, unconscious while Bert derailed over a set of points, unconscious too. James looked at the fat controller who held a large heavy metal pipe, "Hit the head a couple of times". James nodded and looked at oliver, "How are you not effected by the purple wave?". Oliver replied, "I could ask u the same james, all i felt when it hit me was a slight tingling in my boiler then its gone. I say you felt the same", which the red engine replied with a "yes". The Green Tank Engine said he and toad had been filling up on water at the station talking to emily when it hit them. The passengers had all panicked and fled the station as did emily crew. Oliver had tried talking to emily but no reply. Unfortunately he didnt noticed arry & bert sneak up on him and gave both him and toad a painful bump which knock them out. During which, they heard a familiar voice aka diesel 10 saying, "Blow them up, i have no plans with them. I dont even care why they didnt turn faceless". It was the last they remembered before they woke up with the crew tied up in the sheds. James then told them about what he saw(Diesel 10, Weird Particles, Lady, Duke&Duchess, Spencer, Gordon, the Sk Engines and Henry). I told them me and the fat controller are going try to rescue lady and stop diesel 10. Immediately, Oliver & Toad joined us, wanting to help which we didnt turn down. Besides we need all the help we need to defeat D10 plus he has probably some sort of weird powers which i suspect lady might have something to do with it. All the while we were talking, neither engines or the humans noticed a sleek black diesel watching from behind, "The Boss would soon hear of this soon, you shall not interfere his plans" he hissed before chuffing off to find diesel 10....

To be continued...

(P.S: Finally back but next chap/part might take another few months :/. Btw in this ttte au, all the diesels(thats right, it means the diesels that are good usually is mean and evil here)If u dont like it, dont read my future chaps/parts because i will introduce more evil diesels)

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