Part 2: Answers

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1st January 2017:

James POV:

We had just left Henry crew at Vicarstown after we set off down the line. Even though the humans and diesels were overly affected by the curse, there was this eerie silence that lingered over the surrounding. A felt a cold chill go down my boiler as we approached croven gate's station, "Be careful" warned the Fat controller as we slowly moved in. We looked around and gasped, even the little engines of the skarloey railway had been turned by the curse too. But the strange thing was, they werent on their narrow gauge tracks but instead most of them had been lifted on flatbeds on the standard was all too puzzling. The Fat controller even tried calling their controller, the thin controller but to no avail. "No answer" he said with a frown, "This is all to confusing to me as well like what happened?". James agreed, "We need some answers". We then decided to search the workshop near the station platforms and our eyes immediately widen as there sitting on the tracks was Gordon, turned as well. We sighed as the curse had gotten to him as well, despite him being faceless, his engine body seem relatively all right. Suddenly, before we even got a chance to leave, we heard a group of voices calling out to us, "James? Sir Topham hatt? Thank goodness you all are alright". We glanced in the direction and saw a group of workmen emerging from a office they had been hiding in. The Fat controller was shocked but needed answers, "What Happened tell me?". One of the workmen named Caleb replied, "It was just like any ordinary day on sodor, we were focusing on fixing gordon, when suddenly we saw this weird purple light going across sodor, shining at everyone. It was so bright that it blinded us but when we opened our eyes, Gordon was faceless. We tried talking to him or seeing whats wrong but there was no answer". The Fat controller then asked, "So your saying this bright purple light us turning engines faceless?", the workmen nodded their heads. Sir Topham hatt turned to us and spoke seriously, "Things just turned for the worst, we need to find out whos being this or else sodor railway will be in trouble". As James left the works to look around more, the fat controller turned to the workmen, he said, "You lot will stay here and call me if you see anything suspicious" and with that he left to joined james. After seeing nothing of use, they continued down the line and decided to head down the ballahoo line which will link to the duke and duchess home. As they approached, james and the fat controller wasnt surprised to see Spencer, the private engine on the track faceless as well. James stopped before the silver engine and as soon as he did, he saw the duke walking out of his mansion. "Ah so good to see you sir topham" said the duke. Sir topham hatt greeted the duke then asked, "So what happened on your side ben?" The duke sighed sadly as he looked up at Spencer, "Well me and my wife, the duchess were planning on a holiday and we wanted to travel on Spencer so we were placing our luggage on Spencer coaches when this purple light shine at all of us, it was so bright that we had to cover our eyes and when we open, we tried to get spencer moving but no avail, we tried to talk to him...nothing. So i decided to go up front and that was when i nearly fainted, he was faceless. Both me and my wife were devasted, we knew it had to do with that purple light, no doubt". James and the fat controller looked at each other, this was the same thing the workmen had described with Gordon. James then asked, "Did you people happened to see anything after the purple light?". The Duke was surprised to see James and wanted to ask how he was wasnt affected by the light but the fat controller had assure him that he would tell later. "Well" said the duke, "As we were thinking of what we were going to do, we heard a unfamiliar diesel horn and it was raining that time so we couldnt really see but i think i saw what to be a large orange- yellow diesel with some type of contraption on its roof which resembles what of a claw. The diesel was pulling what seemed to be coaches, it was too far away for me to see what was in them but following behind was a flatbed which had a steam engine on it. I couldnt really see it properly but it looked identical to that magicial engine we saw on the shining time railway(Alternate universe to my other stories btw)but that wasnt the biggest confusion but was that the diesel had some sort of weird purple particles surrounding his body, like magic". The Fat controller grew serious as there was an idea of who the diesel might be and who was the one behind the faceless curse, "Where were they heading?". The Fuke replied quickly, "Ah yes, i recalled seeing them heading in the direction of Knapford station...but whats wrong topham?". The Fat controller climbed on board James cab which engine knew exactly had the same idea as his controller, "I think i know exactly who is being the curse and just happened might be that diesel you saw and we are now going to stop him." As James headed back to the mainline to continue his way back to the big station, he could only hoped and prayed it wasnt too late to save his friends and sodor but was also curious of what was the mastermind of this curse plans. We would soon find out.....

Sodor: The Faceless Curse(Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora