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Mary Jane Boleyn was antsy. Anyone could tell from the way she was bouncing her knees or fiddling her fingers. She was also happy. Anyone could tell... from her humming and happy demeanor.

"May Jane?" Queen Catherine called her attention as she sat by, minding a tapestry.

"Yes, m'lady." Mary stopped, turned her full attention to the queen.

"Has something happened? You seem very anxious today."

"Well it's so happened ma'am, that the king has chosen my father's residence to stay during his hunting trip this weekend."

"I see." Catherine mused.

"And, my father has pressed me to, to ask you, what his majesty's new preferences are so they may host him most finely."

"Is that so?" The queen's tone was a little rough and scared Mary of consequences.

"Yes, your majesty," Mary Jane bowed.

"Well I should certainly think of it. Ask me again before you leave and I shall orate you a list."

"Thank you most kindly, ma'am."

"And how is your needlework coming along?" Catherine looked over the girl's shoulder to see her work.

"It is satisfactory to me, your grace. Something the French taught me. I've been making it in the princess Mary's favorite colors so she may be pleased with it."

"More blue, then?" The queen sighed, frustrated at her daughter's insistence for no other color but blue.

The ladies giggled at the queen's fake misery.

"I have taken the liberty to add friendly colors, but I'm afraid yes blue is the main color."

"Well anyway, your stitches are magnificent. I'm sure Mary will love it."

"Thank you, your grace."

The night came to an end and Mary Jane's replacement was sent in to fetch her. Mary frowned to see the girl was a known lover of the king. Queen Catherine only turned her nose up at the new girl and paid her no more mind. Instead, she turned her full attention to orating the list of the king's preferences to Mary Jane, who diligently wrote it all down. Catherine finished speaking first and Mary Jane's pen stopped a moment later. She looked bitterly towards the replacement and sadly towards her queen.

"It grieves me so that my absence shall distress you," Mary Jane pressed apologetically at the queen's knee.

Catherine took a spare glance to the replacement then smiled kindly at Mary.

"Do not trouble yourself for me, lady Mary," The queen lifted the girl's chin like an elder sister, "The girl knows her worth, and that of mine. Worry not yourself, enjoy the weekend."

"May I dare suggest you a course of action?"

"Lady Mary, you know better! You are French raised."

"Precisely, your majesty!" She took a side glance at the new girl and lowered her voice. "The king will be absent for two whole days, surely you will miss him, will you not?"


"You may not, de facto. But surely you can convince him of it. An excuse, to have him take you! Go to him, insist on his majesty's having you before he leaves in the morning."

Catherine smiled and laughed.

"You have learned well at French court, I see."

"Bien sûr!"

The women laughed and Mary Jane rose, curtseying to the queen before taking her leave, making sure not to hold a stare with her replacement.

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