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England was abuzz with the celebration of Princess Margaret's engagement, no matter that the poor princess was not at all willing to marry a man more than twice her age. Margaret was Henry's favorite sister, and he arranged her marriage to gain an alliance with Portugal. Margaret wed on the promise that when the king of Portugal would die,-likely soon-, then Henry would allow Margaret the freedom to marry whoever she chose next.

The happiness of the celebrations even extended to Henry's personal quarters, and after sending off his sister to Portugal-with Charles as escort to insure that Margaret would marry the king-, Henry spent the night with Mary Jane.

Mary Jane was in the garden with Princess Mary, working beside the princess on a sewing project. She would have felt more expert if she hadn't accidentally pricked her hand and dropped her work.

"Are you alright?" Mary asked when Jane winced in pain.

Jane shook her hand. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a little prick," she bent over to pick up her dropped cloth when she felt a stronger jab of pain in her stomach. Jane let out a sharper cry and keeled over.

"Lady Boleyn, are you alright?" The princess was alert and quickly rushed forward to help her friend.

"No, I do not think so," Jane gasped, and Princess Mary cried out in alarm and ran to her side, calling for help.

Some guards carried Jane to Hatfield House, while others went to fetch the physician from the palace. Henry noticed guards running outside his courtroom and summoned one in. The harried guard bowed and told the king they were fetching the physicians to take him to Hatfield.

Henry immediately pushed off his court, no concern for the presentation in front of him, and followed the physician to Mary's residence. He was relieved when a worried Mary quickly curtseyed for him, but then his concern rose at an alarm when he realized it was then the other Mary who was ill. The physician had gone on ahead while Henry had stalled at the princess, and Henry quickly went to catch up with him.

The physician had only been in the room a couple minutes more than Henry, and from the ladies's expressions, had pieced together what had happened. The ladies curtseyed when Henry rushed in, breathless at the sight of Mary Jane sleeping in her bed.

The physician chuckled at the king's expense. "I suspect you instead have a reason for celebration, your Majesty," Edward revealed circuitously.

Henry breathed and let out an amused and relieved chuckle. He quietly strode forward and gently sat at the end of the bed. "Are you certain?"

"I can of course take some examinations for Lady Boleyn's own health and prescribe her care, but yes, I do indeed believe congratulations are in order, sir."

Henry smiled and gratefully rubbed her legs and kissed her covered feet.

"Is Jane alright?" Princess Mary asked from the door as she waited to be invited. Henry saw her and ran to her with joy and carried her in a hug.

"She's more than alright, darling. She's perfect!"

Jane woke up at some time and found Mary crafting beside her. "I'm sorry. Has my predicament loaded you with more tasks?"

The princess put down her cloth and smiled as she sat beside her governess. "Not at all, Mary!" She placed a hand over the ill Mary's stomach. "I'm more than elated to sew a dress for my little brother,"she revealed.

Mary Jane was shocked and attempted to sit up in bed. Princess Mary helped her sit comfortably. "I am with child?!"

Mary nodded. "Congratulations, Jane. I am the most happy for you and father!"

Jane smiled tightly. "Speaking of your father... does he know?"

Mary giggled. "Of course! And that reminds me: father asked me to inform him the second you should awaken. I'll go get him now," she said, and went to fetch her father.

Mary, sat up on her bed as she waited for Henry. Moments after Princess Mary had left, ther father came bounding into the room.

"Jane! My heart You're awake!" Henry flew to sit beside her.

"Did I worry you?" Jane put her hand on his cheek.

Henry took her hand in both his hands and kissed her hand. "You did, Jane. I fear anything that might take you from me." He stroked her hair. "Now you have to make up your error and take the most excellent care of our son."

Mary smiled with tears. "Promise me you wont let anything happen to this child of ours?"

Henry grimaced at the memory of their first child. "God Himself would have to fight me."

Instead of fighting God, they held a prayer to ask for blessings and the safety of their child, after which the king threw a feast to celebrate the announcement of Jane's pregnancy. While his favorite mistress gave him much to be happy about, his favorite sister instead gave him much to worry over.

Jane was walking on the garden below Henry's window, Charles one of the guards watching over her. While Lord Brandon was there to keep an eye on her, Jane was observing  him as they listened to Henry yelling at Charles's new wife. Jane gave him a surprised raise of the brow, and Charles responded with bowing his head in blush and the little bit of guilt he could muster for putting Margaret in such a position.

They heard Henry's conversation end and Charles walked by Jane to see his wife, but Jane stopped him for a moment. "I shall speak to Henry on your behalf," Jane promised, and Charles dipped his head and left.

The next few days were busy for Henry as he mourned his lost alliance and son, and Jane decided to visit him one evening to speak with him. She lay in his bed, stroking her belly in thought as she wore a forlorn face. Henry heard her sighs and took a basket of fruits from his table as he went to get in bed beside her.

"Lore says emotion has an influence on the child. And your tears already affect me so," he offered her the fruits and kissed her small belly. "Tell me what ails you and I shall fix it yesterday."

Jane smiled at his passion. "Oh, I don't suppose it's your error to fix. Our child was is perhaps missing his aunt..."

The word struck Henry, and Jane intentionally paused. "My sister has been in France far too long. You could not fathom how difficult it is for sisters be apart. My heart beats half a breath without her."

Jane's lament made Henry miss his own sister, who he had once loved very much as well. "Do not claim so, love. I do indeed know the love of a sister. The one who is like half a mother. To love you and hold your hand through the rough sails."

Jane leaned up and sat behind him, her head on his shoulder. "Are you not treading rough waters now, Harry?" She used his childhood nickname with purpose. "Is your head not swarmed with sorrow?"

Henry turned to her and kissed her before cupping her cheek. "I have your lap to rest my head on."

Jane smiled and scooted back, letting him put his head in her lap. "Yes, but I am your lover. And soon my lap would not be free for you. She is your sister. She will kiss your head..."

"She is my servant, and I her king!"

"Do you wish to be King Henry today? Tomorrow? When he has to wake up and face the same grief over and again?" She felt his rage settle, and stroked his head as his mind changed.

"One grief of mine is that husband of hers. One I considered my best friend not too long ago. I should have his head for the traitor that he is."

Jane leaned down and kissed his head. "You call the man a traitor, who has been the only friend to the mother of your son? Your only lord who defends her against the vultures of your court?"

Henry turned his face to her belly and kissed her. "I will invite him back, so he can continue to be a haven for my heart."

"And I shall call on Margaret, so that she may bring with her some peace for mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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